Boris and his £6 million spent sending us a letter

gillian72 Community member Posts: 303 Empowering
edited March 2020 in Coffee lounge
boris billy bs, think he should be sending us  oxygen masks  or  gas mask maybe???  he is making me bok  acting so conserd  about  us in isolation 4  12weeks  shame he didn't  feel like that every time we get called  in 4  assentments , he is making me feel robbed of being with my kids  at this awful time of our life's he  new what was going to  happen or maybe he  didn't  think  it  would reach this far??


  • IanHaines
    IanHaines Community member Posts: 32 Empowering
    Coming from Coronavirus House?  I won't be touching it; I'll use a reacher-grabber and it'll go straight into my bin!
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    IanHaines said:
    Coming from Coronavirus House?  I won't be touching it; I'll use a reacher-grabber and it'll go straight into my bin!

    You can't catch it from letters or newspapers etc.
  • anisty
    anisty Community member Posts: 340 Empowering
    I cant see the point of the letter at all. It's already published in the press so we all know what it says anyway. Nothing we dont know already.

    Is the idea to get us all on side before he brings in the tougher measures?

    Seems like a huge waste of money to my mind
  • gillian72
    gillian72 Community member Posts: 303 Empowering
    i think seeing all hospitals being made  & the death tolls going  up i think  we got the message  maybe that's why family's have to wait 4 weeks before they get any money??i  reckon boris an his  muppets should be in the hospitals on the front line coz they have the virus anyway, the  way  he  has treated the nhs staff having to get to work on the cramped under ground  tubes and he said well they need to get work, they have been under staff under paid  he could of let them know what they were walking in too, maybe this is  world  war 3  that people warned  us  about???  did trump really think he could brag about  how he killed  these leaders an  make deals with the tallliiban they would have been laughing  behind his back he's a f...... muppet  if he thought  he wasn't gonna get payback for his actions  maybe his 15th April  gonna be a good  day  maybe he's gonna press that button and get it over with ????
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Community member Posts: 2,925 Championing
    IanHaines said:
    Coming from Coronavirus House?  I won't be touching it; I'll use a reacher-grabber and it'll go straight into my bin!

    You can't catch it from letters or newspapers etc.
    The virus can live on paper/card for up to 24 hours so you should wash your hands after touching any post.  

    This letter won't have been anywhere near Number 10, it'll be contracted to a printing company, but there is a very real chance of cross contamination by the post operative, they only have to touch one contaminated door handle or gate latch on their round and they'll contaminate potentially hundreds of pieces of mail afterwards.
  • gillian72
    gillian72 Community member Posts: 303 Empowering
    @OverlyAnxious ,well boris an his muppets have no chance  then  they have  touched that door knocker God knows. how many times ??
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Community member Posts: 2,925 Championing
    I'm sure the door man can give them a squirt of hand sanitizer when they get inside. ;)  

  • pollyanna1052
    pollyanna1052 Community member Posts: 2,016 Championing
    damned if he does and damned if he doesn't!
  • IanHaines
    IanHaines Community member Posts: 32 Empowering
    Those £6-millions would've bought quite a few front line masks, I suspect!
  • Seanchai
    Seanchai Community member Posts: 396 Pioneering
    I,m afraid £6 millions pales into insignificance when the total for this virus is added up....but ...I have no doubt it will be the people that will pay for it in the long run ...of course taxes will have to go up ??
  • gillian72
    gillian72 Community member Posts: 303 Empowering
    @IanHaines Excacally Ian  or  getting nhs staff safety to work without  risking 2 catch it on packed tube station it's scary an worrying for them in work ??
  • mrbuttons
    mrbuttons Community member Posts: 221 Empowering
    dear Mr Boris
    stop being a useless wasteman keep you BS letter use that money to buy tests and PPE for the health workers.I pray for the next doctor or nurse who dies trying to save lives in one of the NHS hospitals your party has starved of funds as a result of the evil ideology of austerity. no amount of hand sanitiser can wash the blood off your hands.

    sorry for the political rant everyone, the time for niceties has passed.
  • gillian72
    gillian72 Community member Posts: 303 Empowering
    @mrbuttons I totally agree buttons, I never even got his bs letter anyway I also heard all these nhs staff who r risking there life to save ours  plus there family,an kids at home they. have only had the normal wages in there banks. and told they will sort any. Extras will get them when it's all back to normal , I reckon that's why family's who lost there jobs have to wait weeks 4 any benefit makes me wonder if there waiting to see who made it after the virus??  even money mad trump is giving every family member in there house hold even every child they have and sent there checks in a letter an. They all received them , an all we've got is bs letter that hasn't come anyway ????
  • gillian72
    gillian72 Community member Posts: 303 Empowering
    I just don't get it all u can go to work ,you can't  u can. Go to shop once a day  u can go for a walk for 1 hour. a day long as ur 6000 miles apart but u can go in ur. Garden all day if ur lucky to have on. I still think it's man made  when. Turkey opened its borders an Iran let 85,000 prisoners out of jail to stop the spread  I think most of them jumped on plains  anywhere in Europe be4 any government realised  an. That's why the lockdown and  so far apart  so they can try an get  face recognition on everyone to try an find  were they r ??? The makes more sense to  me. about all this bs that  were being told???
  • gillian72
    gillian72 Community member Posts: 303 Empowering
    I reckon boris an his muppets are the stock pliers steelers lmao??
  • gillian72
    gillian72 Community member Posts: 303 Empowering
    Oh look, I have said from day one body fluid,saliva that's y these Drs an nurses getting cv because the ppl being brought it  would have been coughing an sneezing an they only have to touch a persons fluid on the clothes they have on when they come to hospital even those who don't need icu  I  said it was airborne or something like that they r saying up to 3 hours it can be on ur clothes for so even  bumping in to  some one who could of cough or sneeze  couple of hours before leaving the house what a f...... Joke they r all these world nown professors and sciences knew this that's why they panicked the night of. Lock down at 12 o,clock then panicked telling anyone with underlayin health conditions to get home straight away an lockdown even if rest of family isn't home yet ,that  we couldn't  let them in because they could have droplets on there cloths without knowing it unless they were in at the  same time so they definitely knew then  that's why I was panicking coz my daughter wasn't in so I'm stuck in my bedroom but she's getting upset that I don't won't to come out because it was the only way or lock her out an she isn't  understanding it  because we live together ?
  • gillian72
    gillian72 Community member Posts: 303 Empowering
    Early hours of the morning I started coughing ,had a couple of sneeze,s  an had to use my gts spray aswell  which has worked atm  I'm more worried my daughter being here now i don't want her to see me if the worst was  to happen 2me ?
  • deb74
    deb74 Community member Posts: 814 Pioneering
    It is a complete was of money the letters being sent to us. I think we have all got the message by now. It has been shoved in our faces enough! The government seem to think we are idiots! like everyone has said they should be spending the money on vital supplies for the NHS not these stupid letters.