thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
Hello every one my friends and those in the community members in awe respect love you all.

Need to talk about what is bothering me.  Anxiety set off this morning got sweats and shakes stomach problems.

Especially this debacle over Coronavirus and the impact it having on my self.

I am a positive strong person and resilient but what has upset is the attitudes of my neighbour next door.

For weeks months as soon this announced shopping and delivery problems.

Went on line found other avenues lines retailers many which as I have before.

Organised planned for everything eventuality and problems, back up any organisations folder of stuff info contacts.

TESCO delivery driver arrived and with shopping my words were as usual pleasant and polite as she stood their glaring daggers eyes a flame angry for some reason.

TESCO delivery driver dropped everything off and walked away . She did as well.

Must add one final point have offered help assistance neighbour next door does not wish to know.

Then makes insinuations and comments after ward.

I am a Christian been charitable and I think know am kind and caring, just feel somethings wrong here.

If you offer help and do not accept then need to be critical of those helping getting help.

He the partner has a computer offered to help back then a long time ago but is a one to not to be helping himself.

One other point relevant I offered organisation charities helplines this COVID assistance not forthcoming or interested.

My point being is this my fault for being disabled organised and planned be aware lots of the that mental health charities teach you so much. Used my guides and information stored at home in folders.

Are we becoming victims of this COVID 19 made others look bad even though we have help. Are vulnerable.  

Fears and insecurities were in my mind and thinking this morning is it my fault ordered shopping at 3am and she and him have no way of getting help and support.

I have offered many times before.

Are as a community of people becoming targets or am I thinking negative ?

Got this pit feeling in my stomach of anxiety why and how this has come to this.

Love to hear your thoughts, views opinions.

Please take care as always  safe, in my prayers.



  • EmmaB
    EmmaB Online Community Member Posts: 263 Empowering
    Hi @thespiceman
    I would just give yourself a HUGE pat on the back for being resourceful and organised!  I think actually that many disabled people are better placed to deal with what is going on right now because we've always had to be resourceful and organised to survive even in everyday life.
    Unfortunately there are always people in the world who get jealous about disability - the perks of a blue badge, the benefits, the being on the priority list now that Covid-19 is around or whatever - the thing is that is their problem, not yours.  And there's not a lot you can do to change them, you can only change aspects of your life eg how you think about a situation.
    You've offered help, they don't want it.  I don't think that's a reflection on you, it's them - some people find it very difficult to accept help, disabled people and non-disabled people alike, again that's something for them to work on if they want to...  You can't do any more than offer.
    I would just keep yourself going in your own bubble, seek out the things that don't make you feel anxious, find some new positive outlets, and live through this moment in time - it will pass. 
    Personally I hope that some good might even come out of it - ie people realising that life doesn't have to be a 100mph journey?!
    All the best.
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @EmmaB   Thank you for kind words sharing .

    My friend for taking time to answer know your busy.

    Thank you for your support.

    I do think and agree with everything your saying.

    I do think also some people are there own worse enemy and had this before.

    Probably why feel this way triggers set off in my mind.

    I am only on my own have to do this have structures in places . Levels of mental health do not involve having support hold your hands.

    Learnt a lot  education besides a little knowledge does help.

    If I am like anxious this morning sweating got my calming music all easy listening helps but it a shame we have members of our community in our villages like this.

    I do not like it but have to be the person I am rarely talk and chat to any one like her any way.

    Got to me any way and it nor right but we will survive.

    I am grateful as ever.

    Hope your coping as well.  Every thing working out you getting by and any thing I can do or ask me please do.

    Your important too remember always got a wealth of knowledge and  sources.

    Please take care and safe.

    Your friend



  • EmmaB
    EmmaB Online Community Member Posts: 263 Empowering
    You are welcome @thespiceman
    I think sometimes things that happen to us can affect us differently at different times too - for example, I'm hopeless at dealing with things if I've had a bad nights sleep which if they had happened on another day I would be fine dealing with! 
    Yes I'm coping OK, I'm lucky in that most of my work was already online and the only job that wasn't has transferred into telephone work, which is not ideal but better than it not happening particularly as it means people won't be waiting for decisions on their benefit appeals...  
    Strangely it's taken a pandemic for me to finally research fitness videos that I can actually do and I'm even waiting for a Fitbit to arrive, strange times indeed :)
    Remember in those moments of self doubt that you've got this!  

  • Ails
    Ails Online Community Member Posts: 2,237 Championing
    Hi @thespiceman, thanks for sharing and sorry to hear this has caused you some upset.  I agree with @EmmaB, you have offered your neighbours help and they have refused so just best to walk away knowing you have done your best.  There will always be people who get annoyed by other people getting things and maybe this is the case with your neighbour.  Best to ignore it and know that you are doing the best to keep yourself afloat during this difficult time.  Nothing wrong with being organised which you obviously are.  Stay safe and well.  :smiley:
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Ails Thank you for kind words and support advice.

    Better this morning trying to be a good neighbour some people .

    Please take care speak soon.
