Mental illness

j4ff4 Online Community Member Posts: 13 Contributor
Hi I'm john i suffer from multiple personality disorder and aspergers and anxiety and panic attacks with chronic depression lifes hard most days the lock down is driving me insane I need to reach out which is funny because my social anxiety usually makes me hate people but now I need some connection to someone that sounds needy and sad but I do ... feel free to say hi 


  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,742 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hi @j4ff4. This whole situation is really tough isn't it?
    I'm sorry you're struggling at the moment, but you're more than welcome here. I spotted your artwork in another thread. You certainly have some talent! Do you have any other creative outlets?

    If it helps, we have an article here about how to look after your mental health in lockdown that you're very welcome to read!
  • j4ff4
    j4ff4 Online Community Member Posts: 13 Contributor
    edited April 2020
    @Adrian_Scope Thank you and I like to make things from wood like benches and sheds and decking I like working with my hands I bake with my daughter I have lots of ways my creativity comes out but the drawing helps with my mental health 
  • squeak
    squeak Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    Hi I am Carol have complex ed mental health issues and disabled as had spinal injury last May which left me wheelchair 24/7.  
    Similar to John I suffer with anxiety and normally avoid people but covid-19 is making me feel very isolated and low mood.  Am doing a couple of online courses to keep me occupied and trying to stay focused but days long and not sleeping very well does not help.
    But upwards and onward as they say.  A big HELLO to EVERYONE. Squeak (Carol)