Finally got my decision

Firefly123 Online Community Member Posts: 526 Empowering
Hi everyone finally received my decision today after my telephone f2f have to say not much in the report at all but I was awarded enhanced daily living and enhanced mobility until March 2030. Would like to thank@poppy123456 and everyone else who gives great advice.


  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,756 Championing
    Excellent, congrats! :)
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    This is amazing news @Firefly123!! So unbelievably happy for you!
  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Online Community Member Posts: 7,877 Championing
    Yay! Fantastic news @Firefly123 :)
  • Firefly123
    Firefly123 Online Community Member Posts: 526 Empowering
    Thank you's I'm still rather shocked as the report is less than a paragraph but got the points needed.. Got some cream cakes ☺ x
  • affii1993
    affii1993 Online Community Member Posts: 103 Contributor
  • deb74
    deb74 Online Community Member Posts: 816 Pioneering
    That's brilliant! Definatley worth celebrating.
  • Firefly123
    Firefly123 Online Community Member Posts: 526 Empowering
    Thank you both x
  • NannySue
    NannySue Online Community Member Posts: 24 Connected
    Great news , Congratulations
  • Firefly123
    Firefly123 Online Community Member Posts: 526 Empowering
    Thank you @NannySue x
  • sarahmaccs
    sarahmaccs Online Community Member Posts: 25 Connected
    @Firefly123 congratulations! for care and mobility what did you get it for? just to give everyone examples and help. Thank you ? 
  • Firefly123
    Firefly123 Online Community Member Posts: 526 Empowering
    Hi I would say just be as honest as possible on the form. Give as much information as possible on the discriotors you feel you should get add why you can't do it and what happed last time you tried. Concentrate on the discriotors rather than your diagnosis as that's what matters. ☺ 
  • MangyWolf
    MangyWolf Posts: 40 Connected
    edited April 2020
    Hi I would say just be as honest as possible on the form. Give as much information as possible on the discriotors you feel you should get add why you can't do it and what happed last time you tried. Concentrate on the discriotors rather than your diagnosis as that's what matters. ☺ 
    This is a mistake I've always made I never looked at the descriptors until I got 0 points and needed to do the mandatory reconsideration and now appeal. I've got like a full essay answer for each category and only two descriptors that I don't have any problems with.

    Like I've never gone to a single social event my whole adult life, didn't go to my brother's or best friend's weddings or grandparents funerals, and when I used to try these activities in my teens I used to have panic attacks and never speak to anyone. One time I tried attending a friend's birthday party at university and I had to leave within 5 minutes because I had my second panic attack even though it was only 2 minutes away from my student flat. So I've used these examples in both the mixing with other people and planning journeys, e.g. my friends actually planned my journey for me, they looked up which exact trains and times I needed to get on and where I could stay overnight, but still I couldn't attend due to the overwhelming psychological distress I get when both planning to travel and when I previously attended such things. I've never gone on a holiday! Recently a social worker tried to help me with getting back into community creative arts courses and offered to help by coming with me to my first sessions but I still couldn't plan the journey or attend even with help. Only thing I have ever attended is medical appointments, and in general just around 3-5 a year plus I had a panic attack at my PIP assessment - when I turned up I had to go straight into the restroom to hide and try to cool off, and a member of staff still knocked on the door to check I was ok cos of how long I was in there. Even after about 10-15 mins and after signing in I was too hot with heart palpitations and had to go and wait outside in the middle of Winter, and the health assessor confirmed that when she came to get me I was waiting outside, but she didn't care about or have any idea why! Oh and I just remembered I actually recorded myself both inside the restroom and while waiting outside and while I tried sending these recordings to the tribunal before they told me they don't accept video evidence!

    I also have a supporting letter confirming these kinds of things from a mental health nurse that gave me a telephone appointment earlier in April and I've been on 6 different mental health medications up until now over the last 8 years and none have helped, and GPs will not prescribe me or most people benzos for this anymore!

    And sorry to rant on and on about this, it helps me to practice for my telephone appeal tomorrow morning and I am absolutely dreading it!
  • MangyWolf
    MangyWolf Posts: 40 Connected
    Panicking a little is likely the greatest understatement of all time!
  • Firefly123
    Firefly123 Online Community Member Posts: 526 Empowering
    Good luck with your assessment @MangyWolf
    Agree with @Username_removed an less is often more and that is only two discriotors you've covered.