Child/Working tax crdit

hello20 Community member Posts: 98 Connected
Hello question for family member they are claiming tax credit an working tax credit an if they do change of address will that trigger there benefit to stop an go on uc 

or will they continue to recieve there tax credits normal


  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,542 Online Community Programme Lead
    @hello20, they can change their address without it affecting their tax credits. However, if they also claim Housing Benefit and they are moving to another local authority area, or they need to make a new claim for HB, this will prompt a change to UC. 
  • hello20
    hello20 Community member Posts: 98 Connected
    thank you ?
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,542 Online Community Programme Lead
    You’re very welcome.