DLA to PIP Mandatory Reconsideration Advice Needed

Harleyqueen Online Community Member Posts: 30 Connected
I am supporting my partner on a DLA to PIP transfer,
We have the Medical Assessment and disagree with several aspects of it.
We intend to ask for a MR on the Mobility part of the award
I am not sure of how or if I should challange what the assessor said or just do a letter stating how my partner meets the descriptors in question.

Would the information leaflet from medication be considered with the side effects highlighed to show how they affect my partner ?

kind regards



  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    Hi @Harleyqueen - I'm sorry the assessment report was not as you expected. Once you get the decision letter you have one month from the date on that to ask for a MR. They will look at the whole award again. Do apply by letter, ensuring name & NI number are on each sheet. Ignore any 'inaccuracies' in the report, rather concentrate on which points should have been awarded, & why. Just in case you haven't seen a list of the descriptors, please have a look at the following: https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/asset-library/Scores-for-PIP-Descriptors-2020.pdf
    I wouldn't send the medication leaflet, but there's no reason not to mention the side-effects in the MR if they are relevant contributing to their difficulties faced for any descriptor that applies.
    Please ask questions any time as there's usually someone here who can help. Good luck. :)

  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @Harleyqueen, welcome to the community! Is there anything else we can do to help?
  • Harleyqueen
    Harleyqueen Online Community Member Posts: 30 Connected
    Hi @Harleyqueen, welcome to the community! Is there anything else we can do to help?
    Hi Chloe,
     I am considering if we should do the MR,
    I am getting a letter prepared  but if I send it is another matter
    I know its our decision and ours alone but not sure yet,
    I keep reading that there is a risk that all the award could be taken away and thats scares me.


  • Harleyqueen
    Harleyqueen Online Community Member Posts: 30 Connected

    I am not sure of how or if I should challange what the assessor said or just do a letter stating how my partner meets the descriptors in question.

    Would the information leaflet from medication be considered with the side effects highlighed to show how they affect my partner ?

    A bit of both is fine but maybe pick out no more than a couple of irrefutable errors in the HCP report rather than pick it apart page by page.

    The claim pack should already have made the case for which points and why but look back and see whether you have put in a couple of anecdotal examples per activity. If not then now is the moment. 

    So, for example if the mobility issue is planning and following then describe in detail one incident to do with each.

    DWP advice on what evidence to submit can be wholly ignored. It has no legal status. What they’re really getting at with not submitting information leaflets is just that they don’t want generic information about how a condition affects most people. They want how it impacts the specific claimant. 

    Again, if the claim pack was fully completed there were specific questions and spaces to detail meds and side effects. If that wasn’t completed then answer the question in full now but don’t put a leaflet in. 
    Thank you, I  think I now have a better understanding how to proceed

    kind regards

  • Harleyqueen
    Harleyqueen Online Community Member Posts: 30 Connected

    I am not sure of how or if I should challange what the assessor said or just do a letter stating how my partner meets the descriptors in question.

    Would the information leaflet from medication be considered with the side effects highlighed to show how they affect my partner ?

    A bit of both is fine but maybe pick out no more than a couple of irrefutable errors in the HCP report rather than pick it apart page by page.

    The claim pack should already have made the case for which points and why but look back and see whether you have put in a couple of anecdotal examples per activity. If not then now is the moment. 

    So, for example if the mobility issue is planning and following then describe in detail one incident to do with each.

    DWP advice on what evidence to submit can be wholly ignored. It has no legal status. What they’re really getting at with not submitting information leaflets is just that they don’t want generic information about how a condition affects most people. They want how it impacts the specific claimant. 

    Again, if the claim pack was fully completed there were specific questions and spaces to detail meds and side effects. If that wasn’t completed then answer the question in full now but don’t put a leaflet in. 
    Thank you, I  think I now have a better understanding how to proceed

    kind regards