Capita Telephone Assessment

positivitygoing1 Community member Posts: 42 Contributor
Hi All , 

I have a telephone assessment with capita on the 29th may , 

My dilemma is when I first had my PIP I had a lady from the charity M.I.N.D fill it in , and she also attended the f2f assessment at my home with me , I was awarded standard care and no mobility , I was happy with that , as my cousin had to move in with me to do things so I felt better that he had at least carers allowance to help him financially ,

Mine is due to run out in August , I was sent out the form and the lady who helped me last time has left M.I.N.D , so I managed to get citizens advice to meet with me to help me with my form , but she had to cancel due to cornavirus ,

So I did the best I could filling it out , I ordered papers from the doctor's (I've moved doctor's surgery due to moving ) and they are awful , 
I was constantly having appointments because they were not listening to me , luckily I had a consultant appointment who ordered me an endoscopy which revealed hiatus hernia 4cm and oesophagitis , tried every tablet nothing worked and I was getting worse ,
Luckily one doctor sent me to AnE he thought I might have had a blood clot by my lung , but an CT scan revealed a infection on my lung , 
And was sent for another endoscopy which revealed my hiatus hernia was now 7cm it had gone from 4cm to 7cm in under 6 months ,

Then I attended asthma clinic and I noticed on the screen when she left the room "patient refused FLU jab" which is a lie , when I rang up I was told I wasn't entitled to it , then when I seen a doctor she said I was , and when I rang up to book it they said they had run out of them ! ,

Then I find out from my brother that the medication they were giving me had been ordered by the government to be taken off all shelves as they were under investigation for causing cancer cells !
Which my mother has just battled stage 4 breast cancer ,

 These tablets were to beobe taken off the shelves in December last year ! I was still being given them , and I had to tell the doctor on the phone who admitted that was right and said he would set up another prescription for other ones but told me that they were hard to get hold off , he was right my cousin rang every chemist from where I live to within 50 miles and he checked online no one has them , 

What I'm trying to say is there medical notes are not going to help my pip , the asthma nurse I saw said I wasn't taking my inhaler properly (I had showed her that day that the inhalers I was getting were breaking halfway through and when I tried taking them nothing was coming out) but on her computer she said I wasnt taking them properly ! 

Ive had about 8 emergency appointments with me having problems not being able to breathe properly and being sent to the hospital but under my asthma on the medical notes it says "asthma is fine" !! 

I struggle with night time panic attacks were I really do feel like I'm having a heart attack , I've had ambulances out and been to AnE and been told it's a panic attack so I had a few sessions with mental health team , didn't help then was given diazepam 5mg tablets and was shocked they worked I finally had sleep ,

Only then to be told "no we not going to be giving you them they are addictive" but yet they can give me pure codeine tablets and 3 boxes a time which to me I think they was far worse tablets to be addicted to ,

I was on the phone crying to the doctor last week saying I can't go on waking up with these panic attacks and he gave me 14 diazepams ,

My "isolation" embarrassing as it is to say is no different to my life before Coronavirus except that my surgery for my hiatus hernia is on hold for up to a year , 

I wake in pain the top of my stomach is so bloated , I can't go to the toilet , I have constant headaches , my OCD has gone so bad it's ridiculous , so I stay in my bed , I have zero energy and I feel so low I cannot cope , 
I was so looking forward to getting my surgery and then having CBT to help with the OCD ,

Point is no doctors medical records are going to say what you are ACTUALLY going through , no doctor wants to or has the time to listen to what you go through , and these doctors are awful ,

So I now face this telephone assessment alone and it is frightening me and making me feel worse than I already do , 
Do you know id be happy having the energy and motivation and no pain just to go downstairs and go for a little walk ,

I'm worrying if I fail this assessment my cousin will move back in with my auntie because he will obviously lose carers allowance and that means he will have to take my dog with him as I can't look after her and the thought of all of that makes me not want to be here ,

Sorry this is so long I just dont know what to do anymore 
