Hi, my name is robertmooney!



  • Ails
    Ails Online Community Member Posts: 2,237 Championing
    Oh well 5 minutes wasn't too bad for the power to be off then I suppose.  Yes, I think most of the UK has to get good weather tomorrow so I will keep my fingers crossed for you.  Oh Business Admin sounds interesting.  I have done Secretarial Studies in the past and have worked in various admin roles.  Your social media content production role sounds fabulous!  I wish you well with your studies!  I can appreciate that working and studying from home can all be a bit draining at times, especially during lock-down, but hopefully it won't be too long before some measures are eased up a bit and we can return to some kind of normality.  I know the feeling about having a very slow computer as my laptop is the same and think half the time it has gone to sleep before it even fires up!  Very frustrating!   :#  Have a nice weekend!  :smile:
  • robertmooney
    robertmooney Online Community Member Posts: 17 Connected
    Ails said:
    Oh well 5 minutes wasn't too bad for the power to be off then I suppose.  Yes, I think most of the UK has to get good weather tomorrow so I will keep my fingers crossed for you.  Oh Business Admin sounds interesting.  I have done Secretarial Studies in the past and have worked in various admin roles.  Your social media content production role sounds fabulous!  I wish you well with your studies!  I can appreciate that working and studying from home can all be a bit draining at times, especially during lock-down, but hopefully it won't be too long before some measures are eased up a bit and we can return to some kind of normality.  I know the feeling about having a very slow computer as my laptop is the same and think half the time it has gone to sleep before it even fires up!  Very frustrating!   :#  Have a nice weekend!  :smile:
    I kind of find the business admin boring but I like the content production side. I have a degree in Journalism but apparently that’s not enough to get a good job in media that I don’t have to go back to college for 
  • Ails
    Ails Online Community Member Posts: 2,237 Championing
    Yes, admin can tend to be a bit boring sometimes, lol!  Glad to hear you like the content production side though as that does sound interesting.  Oh wow, that's wonderful you have a degree in Journalism.  Well done!  That's a shame that isn't enough to get a good job in media, but I'm sure you will get there in the end and land your dream job one day soon!  I think working in journalism would be fascinating!  :smiley:
  • robertmooney
    robertmooney Online Community Member Posts: 17 Connected
    Ails said:
    Yes, admin can tend to be a bit boring sometimes, lol!  Glad to hear you like the content production side though as that does sound interesting.  Oh wow, that's wonderful you have a degree in Journalism.  Well done!  That's a shame that isn't enough to get a good job in media, but I'm sure you will get there in the end and land your dream job one day soon!  I think working in journalism would be fascinating!  :smiley:
    Hi. Yes. I mean it probably is good enough but I do think that sometimes my disability plays a part in the decision and they just don’t say so. It’s basically legal if no one can prove it 
  • Ails
    Ails Online Community Member Posts: 2,237 Championing
    Yes, unfortunately, I do know what you mean and can sympathise with you on that point.  I have often felt in the past when applying for jobs and going for interviews that my disability has played a part in me not getting the job.  It is unfair, but thankfully things are changing I think.  However, yes, it is a very hard thing to prove and shouldn't be allowed.  Hopefully you will get the job you are looking for.  Good luck!  :smile:
  • robertmooney
    robertmooney Online Community Member Posts: 17 Connected
    Ails said:
    Yes, unfortunately, I do know what you mean and can sympathise with you on that point.  I have often felt in the past when applying for jobs and going for interviews that my disability has played a part in me not getting the job.  It is unfair, but thankfully things are changing I think.  However, yes, it is a very hard thing to prove and shouldn't be allowed.  Hopefully you will get the job you are looking for.  Good luck!  :smile:
    Ails said:
    Yes, unfortunately, I do know what you mean and can sympathise with you on that point.  I have often felt in the past when applying for jobs and going for interviews that my disability has played a part in me not getting the job.  It is unfair, but thankfully things are changing I think.  However, yes, it is a very hard thing to prove and shouldn't be allowed.  Hopefully you will get the job you are looking for.  Good luck!  :smile:
    I guess I just cope with the invisible discrimination. It just feels so annoying that they can basically do that and (even if they don’t intend it) limit independence, cause mental health issues. It’s just not on
  • Ails
    Ails Online Community Member Posts: 2,237 Championing
    No it's not. @robertmooney, and with the help of great organisations such as SCOPE and disabled people like yourself, hopefully one day we will break down barriers and end such discrimination for good.  :smile:
  • robertmooney
    robertmooney Online Community Member Posts: 17 Connected
    Ails said:
    No it's not. @robertmooney, and with the help of great organisations such as SCOPE and disabled people like yourself, hopefully one day we will break down barriers and end such discrimination for good.  :smile:
    I know. It just feels like I can’t quite get there right now. I’m working towards financial independence because I’ve pretty much accepted that without it, I’m never going to be able to get independence permanently 
  • Ails
    Ails Online Community Member Posts: 2,237 Championing
    I'm sorry to hear this, @robertmooney.  I know things feel tough at the moment, but you will get there.  The fact that you are studying and doing your charity work shows was a determined and spirited person you are and employers will recognise this when you attend for interview, I'm sure.  

    Have you thought about talking to a Disabled Employment Adviser at your local job centre?   Obviously these will be closed just now, but there maybe a phone number you can phone to get in touch with one.  Just a thought for when you are finished your course.  Also Scope have a scheme called Support To Work who can help members with career advice/info and you will find some information about them below if you want to take a look -


    Working will help a lot with your independence too, I'm sure.  If we can be of any help with anything then please just let us know.  :smile:
  • robertmooney
    robertmooney Online Community Member Posts: 17 Connected
    Ails said:
    I'm sorry to hear this, @robertmooney.  I know things feel tough at the moment, but you will get there.  The fact that you are studying and doing your charity work shows was a determined and spirited person you are and employers will recognise this when you attend for interview, I'm sure.  

    Have you thought about talking to a Disabled Employment Adviser at your local job centre?   Obviously these will be closed just now, but there maybe a phone number you can phone to get in touch with one.  Just a thought for when you are finished your course.  Also Scope have a scheme called Support To Work who can help members with career advice/info and you will find some information about them below if you want to take a look -


    Working will help a lot with your independence too, I'm sure.  If we can be of any help with anything then please just let us know.  :smile:
    I have had not too good experiences with the job centre before. I had to go on universal credit on pretty much the insistence of my mum and all they were focused on was getting me into any role they can find. They actually don’t care about your aspirations or what you want to do. I just felt like a number in their system. I’ll check out the scope support though 
  • Ails
    Ails Online Community Member Posts: 2,237 Championing
    I'm sorry to hear that you have had such a bad experience of the job centre, but can appreciate your thoughts as I know of other people who have had similar experiences of the job centre also.  I found the Disability Employment Adviser to be really helpful in the past, but I guess I was just lucky!  Yes, see if Support to Work through Scope can help you and let us know how you get on.  :smile:
  • robertmooney
    robertmooney Online Community Member Posts: 17 Connected
    And sorry for being so negative. I’m just having a bad mental health week. In mental health awareness week (how ironic). Hopefully things will get better soon 
  • Ails
    Ails Online Community Member Posts: 2,237 Championing
    You aren't being negative at all, so don't worry!  You are only venting which we all do at times and that is what we are here for!  I'm sorry to hear that you are having a bad mental health week, but we can all feel like that at times and many of our members struggle at times too, so you aren't alone there.  Please chat to us anytime as there will always be someone on here to listen.  I'm sure things will get better for you soon.  All the best and have a nice weekend!  :smile:
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    Hi @robertmooney - Welcome to the community, & thank you for joining this friendly & supportive group. Thank you for sharing about yourself, & the frustrations you're facing. I hope you don't mind me mentioning that there are also benefits that may help you become financially independent too. You might try looking at the following benefits checker. See: https://www.entitledto.co.uk/
    It could be that a combination of work & benefits may help. Just a thought. :)

  • robertmooney
    robertmooney Online Community Member Posts: 17 Connected
    chiarieds said:
    Hi @robertmooney - Welcome to the community, & thank you for joining this friendly & supportive group. Thank you for sharing about yourself, & the frustrations you're facing. I hope you don't mind me mentioning that there are also benefits that may help you become financially independent too. You might try looking at the following benefits checker. See: https://www.entitledto.co.uk/
    It could be that a combination of work & benefits may help. Just a thought. :)

    Thanks. I’ll check it out soon. Perhaps not tonight fully 
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,742 Online Community Programme Lead
    edited May 2020
    Hello @robertmooney. I just wanted to welcome you to the community. Did you manage to see your friend in the end?
  • robertmooney
    robertmooney Online Community Member Posts: 17 Connected
    Hello @robertmooney. I just wanted to welcome you to the community. Did you manage to see your friend in the end?
    Yes. Yesterday. After two days of horrible weather, we had a really nice day, so we had a picnic in the park. It was good to catch up. 
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @robertmooney and hope you have been able to find your way around the community.

    Here you can find recent discussions or you can have a chat in our coffee lounge with other members. :)

    I hope you managed to see your friend the other day.
  • robertmooney
    robertmooney Online Community Member Posts: 17 Connected
    Hi @robertmooney and hope you have been able to find your way around the community.

    Here you can find recent discussions or you can have a chat in our coffee lounge with other members. :)

    I hope you managed to see your friend the other day.
    Yes. It was really good to see my friend yesterday. We had a picnic (socially distanced of course).
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Really glad you managed to see them @robertmooney. :)