Pip tribunal by telephone on friday

maggy Online Community Member Posts: 27 Connected
Can anyone help me with this I'm terrified for this call I've waited 64 weeks I got refused got 6 points for daily living and 4 for mobility 


  • Denise11
    Denise11 Online Community Member Posts: 99 Empowering
    I agree with woodbine and hope it will turnout to be fine for you!  
  • maggy
    maggy Online Community Member Posts: 27 Connected
    Thank you
  • knightie
    knightie Online Community Member Posts: 7 Connected
    Get yourself a rough guide to the questions they will ask,And make yourself some notes,Also write a little statement for the end of the interview,So you get your whole point across to them,I had mine a few weeks ago,And I have to say they were very nice,Nothing like going for a face to face with someone who doesn’t have a clue what there doing medically,And speak about your disability from the claim date and how it affected you,If your condition has worsened they just want to know what it was like when you made the claim,Good luck and relax ??
  • maggy
    maggy Online Community Member Posts: 27 Connected
    Cheers I'll let you know x
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    I really hope it goes well on Friday @maggy! Please do let us know. :)
  • maggy
    maggy Online Community Member Posts: 27 Connected
    I get carers premium so will I ve refused for having it
  • Denise11
    Denise11 Online Community Member Posts: 99 Empowering

    Why are you going to refuse the Carers  Premium?  I nearly did that and talk about it to my GP as I really did feel that I shouldn't have it, that I had enough with what was DLA!

    But, things are going to be hard after this Virus and Brexit, money will be very tight, so this is what the GP said.  You may feel that you should refuse it but nobody can see into the future and you might need more help.  But, the GP said that if I refuse that benefit and then applied for it later on, the DWP could say  "Sorry, but you refused it before, and now we can't help you, as the government has changed the system yet again, so you're no longer entitled to that benefit ".  If they award you Carers Premium, take it!

  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi and welcome good luck for the tribunal

    Have a look through your bundle and your original application in advance and make notes to point out how you think you should have scored against the descriptors and how it is hen you complete the task in question eg what happened when you last tried to do it, how often you can complete it, any aids or assistance you need. 

    As mentioned before they are only interested in your condition at the time you applied as that is what you are appealing about.

    It is a good idea to prepare a statement as they will ask if there is anything you want to add at the end

    Good luck and fingers crossed for you
  • maggy
    maggy Online Community Member Posts: 27 Connected
    Thank. You all I doubt very much I will win but I'll try 
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,660 Championing
    Hi@maggy Good luck for tomorrow, just try taking your time before you answer. 
  • maggy
    maggy Online Community Member Posts: 27 Connected
    I'll let you all know tomorrow the outcome of I win I will collapse
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,669 Online Community Programme Lead
    Fingers crossed for you today @maggy!
  • maggy
    maggy Online Community Member Posts: 27 Connected
    Absolutely horrendous that was I got grilled for hour half judge doctor and disabled woman doubt very much I would have won posting the decision out today first class cause they said I've waited two years for the hearing
  • katho31
    katho31 Posts: 692 Empowering
    very sorry what you had to go through  :( hoping and praying that you get the best of news asap, dont give up  :)
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,660 Championing
    @maggy Iv got my fingers crossed for you that you receive better news  than your expecting it’s a horrible process to go through. 
  • maggy
    maggy Online Community Member Posts: 27 Connected
    Thank you I was crying me eyes out at the end it was very gruelling
  • katho31
    katho31 Posts: 692 Empowering
    aww i bet it was, try to chill a little now, it does take it out of you
  • maggy
    maggy Online Community Member Posts: 27 Connected
    I'm worn out now in bed 
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,660 Championing
    The whole process from start to finish is a nightmare when claiming, but trying remember pip appeals have a good success rate ?
  • maggy
    maggy Online Community Member Posts: 27 Connected
    I'm hoping x