Hand splints for cp

PhilG111 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected
We are trying to find a hand splints to help open the hand rather than just support the wrist. My son has quad cp and wondering if anyone has any experience?


  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi @PhilG111 Welcome to the community great to see you here.

    I don't have any guidance for you but there is a CP section on here which you may find useful, I will also tag in another champion that may be able to help @Richard_Scope
  • gillian72
    gillian72 Online Community Member Posts: 303 Empowering
    @PhilG111 hi Phil I don't know about cp but I have to use my splints when my hands lock up my daughter has to relax my hand to open them I wear them at night  they do stop my hands locking in the night  the splint  does have support to keep hands open mine starts at the wrist  my Drs surgery gave me mine no charge too?
  • Richard_Scope
    Richard_Scope Posts: 3,716 Cerebral Palsy Network
    edited June 2020
    Hi @PhilG111, Excess muscle tone in the arm and hand of children with hemiplegic and spastic CP is very common. I've not used such splints myself. Usually, occupational therapists or physiotherapists recommend hand splints or braces for the children to help with stretching the muscles, keeping the hand in a more functional position, and providing sensory input.
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @PhilG111, has your son tried a resting hand splint? There are loads of versions but a physio or OT should be able to assess him for one. 

    I hope this helps. :)
  • PhilG111
    PhilG111 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected
    @Chloe_Scope We were looking at something akin to NCM Preformed Anti-Spasticty Ball Splint but yes, though trying to get a physio at the moment is a long and arduous task. I will have to wait till school is back.
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    I can imagine there is a delay or reduced services at the moment! Do you have a date that your son is due to go back? 
  • PhilG111
    PhilG111 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected
    As key workers technically we could send him in now. But since the wife is in protection for another couple of weeks though we might see if we can squeeze him in for a couple of days next week assuming they have space. But the wife's company is very generous in its flexibility many times going above and beyond.
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    I'm glad to hear that there is that level of flexibility @PhilG111. Please do let us know how you get on. :)