Panic attacks

Dkaveney1 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Connected
Hi,,my name is DKaveney1 and I suffer terribly with anxiety and panic attacks.As I explained when I first joined I lost my wife six years ago after 40 years of marriage and my son just before Christmas.I also started having fits just before Christmas and maybe this is part of the reason for the panic attacks,,,the thought of being here on my own and having a fit is terrifying but I just don't know how much more I can take with the attacks.My Doctor says she can't give me anything to help medicine wise because she doesn't know how it would react with my fit tablets which I take two different kinds of so I just don't know what to do,,I feel like I'm going crazy because I just can't control them.


  • katho31
    katho31 Posts: 692 Empowering
    hi @Dkaveney1, and welcome, so very sorry to hear of the issues you are having to deal with, MIND and adrian/chloe from scope and other users can give you very good info, the grief you are having to deal with is so terrible and you must be so exhausted, someone will hopefull post very soon, please keep online, we are here and always try to help/listen  :)
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,689 Championing
    @Dkaveney1. Hi I’m so sorry to hear of your tragic losses, and about your health problems on top of it, could your doctor not refer you for grief counselling, as Kath has sd someone else will hopefully be able to suggest some help soon, I hope you stay around the forum for a bit of support take care and stay safe. 
  • katho31
    katho31 Posts: 692 Empowering
    hi @Dkaveney1, just found the MIND tel. number, 03301233393. they have a txt service, send a txt saying you need help, 86463, also their email address is  :)
  • katho31
    katho31 Posts: 692 Empowering
    also please try to take in some deep breathes, hold for ten if you can, then exhale through mouth. do this 4-5 times, you will get the help you so desperately are in need of
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,742 Online Community Programme Lead
    Oh @Dkaveney1 this sounds like a really tough situation and I'm so sorry to hear about your losses.
    Have you thought about trying out some meditation? I'm a big fan of Headspace for this and I know they have some great exercises for tackling anxiety. It might also be worth checking out Mind's self-care suggestions for anxiety too.