Limited Capacity for work and work related activity -HELP

laurenm25 Community member Posts: 7 Listener
I got my letter in my journal today saying - 

I have limited capacity for work and work related activity. 

I may get extra money due to my disability or health condition. Changes in this will show up on my statement when they happen. 

The money is awarded after 3 months the date I first gave them evidence (handed in sick note Jan2020) 

If you already owe us money we will recover this from the money we owe you. 

So my question is from what date will the money be backdated from it says 3 months so is that March to June 2020 so 4 months of money owed ? 

Also on my UC I pay rent arrears from a long time ago been paying it for ages at like £20-30 a month depending so not sure how long/much is left to pay will that be included in the money the will deduct for debt owed to them ? And also when I first moved onto UC I took an advanced loan I’ve got £130 left to pay will they take all this off  the back dated money. 

Thanks in advanced. 

I am dyslexic and struggle with understanding the way they have worded the letter to me, also sorry in advance for spelling or any other errors tried my best . 


  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,558 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hello @laurenm25

    It's actually backdated to 3 full assessment periods after your first fit note. So it depends what your Universal Credit assessment period dates are and what date you first reported your health condition/fit note. You should be able to find this information on your UC account. If you can find your assessment period dates and the date you reported your health condition, I can help work out when your backpay should start.

    Rent arrears and the advance payment aren't included in the 'money you owe' so backdated money won't be used to cover these. It's for things like any overpayments of benefits or debts owed to the DWP.