
hass Community member Posts: 196 Empowering
Hi  all hope your all well ?

I really need help don't know where else to go.
I'm having serious housing issues harrassment. 
It's been going on for years. 
I haven't been in the property since March lockdown. 
I had to move around the country to stay with friends. 
I would have died if I had stayed  there  with no support.

I haven't  had my medication since April .
I've been looking for legal advice since with no success. 
I've missed  alot of appointment since last July. 
I dint know what to do my stress level is very high and feel suicidal. 
My copd and mental health is getting worse. 
I've done ever thing  one can do complain 
Report to police etc
Thank you xxc


  • hass
    hass Community member Posts: 196 Empowering
    Apologies  for typo errors 
  • Topkitten
    Topkitten Community member Posts: 1,275 Trailblazing
    Is the property private or council? It makes a difference. I have found that my Housing Officer is worse than useless as he wants me to apply and go on the list but if I do so then I would have to visit the property to be able to move into it. I have been Housebound for 2 years and will remain so permanently so I cannot visit and therefore can't have it. I tried to get the GP to help which, if you haven't tried it, might help so long as they are better doctors than at my surgery who refuse to help, probably because they don't have a clue how to help.

    Sorry, most of this won't help you but you could try people like MIND or the CAB to find out what your options are. Failing that you need to be so ill as to need a hospital stay and then get their OT group to assess you and maybe move you into a new residence. It's the only way I know around stupid jobsworth Housing Officers.

  • hass
    hass Community member Posts: 196 Empowering
    A thank you for responding apologies its  housing association  NHG 
    It's  also the way I'm being treated compared to other tennants 
    My neighbour had her flat sound insulated with secondary glazed windows.
    Wen ever  I make requests  they decline.
    I was refferred  to mental health services but they were useless. 
    I'm very scared to go back.
    But also not in a good  position  where I am.

    Cab not helpfull I use yo volunteer for them  
    Other things such as having mail stolen  ripped in shread s being followed by the son 
    All reported to police etc.

    Socilotor would be best option  but  no luck as of yet.
  • katho31
    katho31 Posts: 692 Empowering
    Hi @hass so very sorry and concerned regarding your terrible situation and health. please contact your g.p tomorrow and local authority council. which are of uk do you live? ill have a look now for helpful information. please stay online, we are here  :) as mentioned, MIND are very helpful and also here at Scope, Adrian and Chloe may be able to point you in right direction. try the deep breathing exercises i posted few mins ago. also SAMARITANS is a free number, tel; 116 123. or email jo@samaritans.org, responds in 24 hours. stay as safe as poss and others are going to help online here :)
  • hass
    hass Community member Posts: 196 Empowering
    Last time I contacted GP  she was not helpfull making comments about her neighbours  she also made comments that i was paranoid delusional  when there is evidence of these neighbours  they were taken to court  judge had no empathy with them  back in 2013 .
    The good  gp have gone just like anything else. 
    .Thank you 
  • hass
    hass Community member Posts: 196 Empowering
    Apoligies i live in Westminster  brougth 
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,510 Championing
    Hi @hass, I'm really sorry to hear how things have been recently. It sounds like it's been a really tough few months for you.

    Are you wanting to start your medication again? I'm concerned by your mention of suicide and want to support you.

    You can call Samaritians on 116 123 to be in touch with a crisis volunteer. Also, SHOUT have a similar service which is mental health support over text. If you text SHOUT to 85258 a crisis volunteer will be in touch. 

    MIND also have guidance on how to manage suicidal thoughts. 

    If you haven't already, please do seek a second opinion from another GP. You deserve to be heard. 
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,510 Championing
    Hi @hass, in terms of your housing situation, you could contact an Advocate service like SEAP

    Also, your Social landlord should have a mediation service of some sort. 

    Do you have the details for your landlord?
  • hass
    hass Community member Posts: 196 Empowering
    Hi all  thank you for responding. 
    I've endured this since 2006
    It's beyond mediation 

    I haven't got any motivation to do anything 
    I don't know eat to say 
    I've been suffering like this for years 

  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,510 Championing
    It sounds like it's been really tough mentally to deal with. Please do reach out if you think there is anything we can help with. :)
  • hass
    hass Community member Posts: 196 Empowering
    I'm  very frightened  to go back in property 
    It's very serious  I'm being treated differently 
    Haven't got any motivation  to do anything 
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,510 Championing
    It sounds incredibly difficult and I'm sorry it has impacted you so much @hass. How have you been this week?
  • katho31
    katho31 Posts: 692 Empowering
    Hello @hass, can we help in any way please? 
  • hass
    hass Community member Posts: 196 Empowering
    Hi  all Hope uour well
    I've had some success  in fung socilotors  that will take my case on ?? .
    2 socilotors  I'm so  relieved 
    But still alot to go through. 
    Which should I take on 


  • hass
    hass Community member Posts: 196 Empowering
    Apoligies for  typo errors 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,691 Championing

    I'm glad you've found someone to help but please be careful that they don't charge you as i see you have found 2 solicitors. I'd be very surprised if they are doing this for free unless you have legal aid.
  • hass
    hass Community member Posts: 196 Empowering
    It's under legal aid  harrassment  disrepair homelessness   
  • hass
    hass Community member Posts: 196 Empowering
    I'm not sure who to go with 
    Blindsmans  or hodge allen and jones