CoVID-19 coming out of lockdown Home Testing kits

davegregson40 Online Community Member Posts: 81 Empowering
Dear Members 
As we come out of lockdown if you do as I do like in at at risk group or you are a registered carer including unpaid carer  ai found out from Carers UaK that 0if you suspect you may have had the virus and dont attend work to get tested I have been informed that you can pay for a home testing kit, which to be honest till this week I didnt know. Was on the phone to Carers. a resource, they were amazing 


  • serenity2
    serenity2 Online Community Member Posts: 248 Empowering
    Thanks for sharing the information @davegregson40
    there have been so many different pieces of information around tests and testing etc, it gets very confusing and changes by the day,

    I wouldn’t be entitled to have an test under those circumstances, but it is good for those who can ? hopefully in the future we can all check...

    it would be so good if we had already had the virus and didn’t even know, I do know a couple of people who had Covd19 and did’nt  struggle much with it at all..It seems to be affecting people so Individually, lots still to learn About it  I guess..Hope they do find once someone has had it they build up an immunity, but so far I’ve read it may not be the case ?
    let’s hope the scientists find a vaccine. 
    In the meantime it’s great to share anything we feel may help others 
    thanks ? Hope you have a lovely peaceful day 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi and thank you for sharing with us, the whole covid coming out of lockdown is getting very confusing

    Where when and how many people you can see at a time

    You can now go to an outside concert but yet you can only meet up with 2 other households (how does this work then) you can mix with thousands of strangers but not with your wider family )

    Oh well rant over enjoy your weekend 
  • davegregson40
    davegregson40 Online Community Member Posts: 81 Empowering
    I think the social compulsory distancing is ending on 1Sri August. There are ways to get home kits if you or those you live with are vulnerable and may have or had symptoms you can get a home testing kit from the government via the website. I was sent the information from the local carers resource