My new PIP claim

rbz Community member Posts: 111 Contributor
On 2018 I moved from DLA to PIP and received 0 points on both components. Tribunal awarded 2 points on daily living. At this moment my case will go to Upper Tribunal.
On October 2019 placed new PIP claim. Capita suggested 16 points for daily and 14 points for mobility, but DWP do not agree with the descriptors chosen, because I was disallowed PIP on 2018.
Recently placed complaint regarding decision delay and asked full documentation regarding my PIP claim.
Papers shows multiple communication between DWP and CAPITA. CAPITA supplies DWP with 4 Supplementary advice notes (PA5 and PA6).
Capita suggested 12 point for daily and 14 points for mobility, later changed to 10 points daily and 14 points mobility.
Seems DWP look how to disallow new PIP claim.
DWP argue about my PIP claim dated 2018 and Tribunal decision and ignore new medical records supplied with new PIP claim form.
Tomorrow will place new complaint against DWP steps, because can't understand why they ignore new evidences and talking about old claim.
PIP Assessment report DWP received on 10.02.2020 and last updated Supplementary advice note received on 03.07.2020


  • Awesomelorenzo
    Awesomelorenzo Community member Posts: 114 Connected
    DWP don't want to pay anyone more than need be.
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,331 Championing
    Unfortunately Awesomelorenzo has made several of these today, which I've commented upon on another thread. In that case I felt such unfounded negativity could very well put the OP off from responding further.
  • rbz
    rbz Community member Posts: 111 Contributor
    Regarding PIP claim 2018 - The appeals service refused leave to appeal. As it has not been established that the decision of the tribunal is , or may be, erroneous in point of law.
    However Tribunal refused look into my complete medical records and decision based only on PIP Assessment report even report content inconsistent with evidences from hospital.
    I will go further even TAS not granted  for leave to appeal to the Commissioner. 
    I try recover my PIP claim for December 2018 to October 2019.
    New claim dated 2019 PIP Assessment report contains more adequate information, so I am happy with 10 or 12 points for daily living and 14 points for mobility.
    So I not understand why DFC not agree with CAPITA report.
    When placed new claim I eliminated all issues which happens during 2018 PIP claim.
    DFC was supplied with full medical records (on 2018 DFC not used any updated medical records).
    On 2019 I recorded PIP Assessment and Report seems adequate. On 2018 Assessment report contains errors, Capita refused tell why report incomplete and with errors, because Disability Assessor very busy and can't recall my assessment details.

    Director of DFC multiple times told me about high standards, so I don't allow DFC waste my time. DFC received all papers regarding my claim on 10.02.2020 so 22 weeks delay not reasonable in my case. DFC told me about  problems due Covid-19, however communication between Capita and DWP shows no restrictions with paperworks and delay caused only due multiple requests for  "extra advice". 
    DWP 4 times asked for extra advice from Capita even there was no any extra evidence or information available.
    Between 10.02.2020 and now DWP received 1 PIP assessment report and 4 Supplementary Advice Notes (very similar to Assessment Report). I think this is abnormal.
    On March 2020 I already received around £595 PIP payment, and  HMRC reported me about PIP award. Later DFC told me that there no Final decision and payment was made by error.
    So I do not see any High Standards from DFC side and I always place complaints against every DFC maladministration.
  • Awesomelorenzo
    Awesomelorenzo Community member Posts: 114 Connected
    I have heard it on the news. You hear of people who can't walk, or can't get through day to day life and they still don't give them the money.
    Also one of my family members money got cut and he is serious
  • rbz
    rbz Community member Posts: 111 Contributor
    Recently I received 5 forms (PA4, PA5 and PA6).
    Assessment report suggested 16 points for daily and 14 points for mobility.
    After couple of weeks DWP received absolute same advice from Capita  (16 and 14 points).
    DWP again not happy.
    After next 2 weeks DWP received another advice from Capita. Again same 16 and 14 points.
    DWP still not happy.
    Latest advice from Capita suggest 10 points for daily, however another 2 points also reasonable for activity 4b. So now DWP can select between 10 or 12 points for daily. Mobility part not changes - 14 points.
    I believe there just waste of time and DWP desperate want disallow my PIP claim.
    I am not see any reason multiple time to contact Capita and ask for advice.
  • rbz
    rbz Community member Posts: 111 Contributor
    I have heard it on the news. You hear of people who can't walk, or can't get through day to day life and they still don't give them the money.
    Also one of my family members money got cut and he is serious
    This is because peoples did not complain against DWP and assessment companies.
    In my case I not awarded points for 2 activities, when asked advice there in the forum everyone told me "You already awarded Enhanced rate, so no need contact DWP/Capita because extra 2 or 4 points not improve my claim".
    Most people receive advices like that. Scope advisors don't care about  claimant future, because during renewal very likely person again not get any points for some descriptors.
    I never stop fight against DWP maladministration. I will ask to review 2 activities even my PIP payment not change.
    I want see fair award. I not give any chance my daily living score reduce from 16 to 10 points.
    Everyone must push DWP.

  • Awesomelorenzo
    Awesomelorenzo Community member Posts: 114 Connected
    woodbine said:
    I have heard it on the news. You hear of people who can't walk, or can't get through day to day life and they still don't give them the money.
    Also one of my family members money got cut and he is serious
    The Daily Mail is full of such nonsense, might help us understand if you explained why one of your familiy members had their money "cut" we could then offer some advice.
    Well, All I know is that he's autistic. He has trouble working, but can manage(Vaguely) By himself in his house. He got his money cut when he went onto PIP, I don't know why.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    woodbine said:
    I have heard it on the news. You hear of people who can't walk, or can't get through day to day life and they still don't give them the money.
    Also one of my family members money got cut and he is serious
    The Daily Mail is full of such nonsense, might help us understand if you explained why one of your familiy members had their money "cut" we could then offer some advice.
    Well, All I know is that he's autistic. He has trouble working, but can manage(Vaguely) By himself in his house. He got his money cut when he went onto PIP, I don't know why.

    Not being able to work has no affect on a PIP claim. If your relative was transferred to PIP from DLA then they are 2 completely different benefits, with different criteria. It's fact that we will only ever hear the bad stories and rarely the good ones.
  • rbz
    rbz Community member Posts: 111 Contributor
    In my case DWP received all information on 10.02.2020. I not see any reasons for additional 4 or 5 contact to Capita. As there no new advices and no new evidences. However 5th advice reduces daily living 16points to 12 points. But I fully agree with this.
    However DWP not take into account another 2 activities where I should be awarded 2 point for each activity.
    DWP also contacted my GP for extra information, but my GP not familiar about problems during my daily living. So there another waste of time and public funds as DWP paid £60 for information, which they already hold from 10.02.2020 
    Resume: DWP wasted 5 months for nothing.
    DWP fully ignored my concerns during PIP claim on 2018 where I received 0 + 0 points, and now DWP very surprised how I received 16/12 + 14 points on new claim even there no new evidences if compare with 2018.

  • Awesomelorenzo
    Awesomelorenzo Community member Posts: 114 Connected
    Well I only hear stuff like that on the news, what else am I supposed to think?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    Well I only hear stuff like that on the news,
    Which isn'[t very often..
  • rbz
    rbz Community member Posts: 111 Contributor
    Today received award letter.
    Enhanced Daily/Enhanced Mobility
    16.10.2019 - 28.01.2023
    Happy enough.
    However still fighting for PIP award  for September 2018 to October 2019 (will send papers to Commissioner).
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi @rbz Glad to hear you have been awarded and hope you can see that not all claims have a bad outcome
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,554 Online Community Programme Lead
    Glad to hear you've been awarded for October 2019 until January 2023 @rbz
  • rbz
    rbz Community member Posts: 111 Contributor
    I received 12 points for daily living and 14 points for mobility.
    I discussed with DWP about activities No.6 and No.9 where DWP not awarded points, we decided leave this until PIP renewal and not waste time now.
    Also DWP promised £1000 compensation for decision delay. We decided that there was no reasons 5 times to contact Capita for additional advice, also request extra information from my GP was not reasonable. By these reasons my PIP claim decision delayed from 10th February 2020 till 9th July 2020.