I have resigned from my job due to medical reasons, claiming esa before employment ends?

Wattsy Community member Posts: 5 Listener
Hi. I have resigned from my job due to medical reasons and safety. My termination ends on 31st july. I applied for esa on the 3rd July and received the first payment today. 

Can I claim contribution esa whilst still employed even though my employment ends on 31st july? 

Will I need to pay this back if not?




  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi and welcome to the community, great to have you here.

    I know you can apply 3 months before your SSP is due to end if you are employed but that payment isnt paid until SSP ends.

    But I am not sure if you are still working ? I will tag in someone who may help @Adrian_Scope

    I am also surprised you have resigned as this can affect eligibility to claim some benefits but I am sure you looked into this before doing so
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,178 Championing

    When you say your employement ends on 31st July, i'm assuming you're not working your notice, is that correct?
  • Wattsy
    Wattsy Community member Posts: 5 Listener
    Thanks for your responses. I am not working due to medical reasons and have been on furlough since April. My furlough ends on the 24th July. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,178 Championing
    Do DWP know you're receiving furlough payments? May i ask how much per week you're receiving?
  • Wattsy
    Wattsy Community member Posts: 5 Listener
    I rang The ESA phone line 3 days after I made the claim as I wanted to put the date from when money is back dated from the 3rd August after my contract ends instead of 3rd july when the claim was made. They said they would email the benefit team. I was surprised to see the money in my account today. It says £74.35 per week. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,178 Championing
    edited July 2020
    When i asked how much per week, i meant furlough and not ESA. You will need to ring DWP and speak to them. Difficult to give any advice without more information.
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,558 Online Community Programme Lead
    Thanks for helping here @poppy123456. :)

    @Wattsy, do you know how much you'll be receiving from furlough pay? As this will determined whether you should be receiving ESA too.
  • Wattsy
    Wattsy Community member Posts: 5 Listener
    It'll be 80% of my wages so will probably be around £1430. It could be less. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,178 Championing
    This means that you shouldn't be receiving any ESA while you're receiving furlough because it exceeds the permitted work rules. You will need to ring DWP and tell them you're currently receiving furlough. The ESA money you've already received will be an overpayment.
  • Wattsy
    Wattsy Community member Posts: 5 Listener
    Thanks for all the information everyone. I rang dwp and I am entitled to esa. All resolved. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,178 Championing
    Thanks for the update, although i'm still very confused how you can be furloughed and receive more than £1400 per month and ESA on top.