Hi, my name is Liamwillis! Esa, working tax, pip, child tax benifits.

Liamwillis Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
Hi folks. I need alittle advice please. 
Me and my girlfriend are wanting to move in together, I'm currently getting esa with a disability living allowance as well, I'm also on pip. 
My girlfriend has child tax credits, working tax credits and she works 18hours a week.
If I moved in what benifits would be lost or would we still be I tilted to all. Thank you for the help. 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,667 Championing

    It's impossible for you to be claiming DLA and PIP at the same time. PIP has replaced DLA. Which are you claiming and what exactly is your award?

    What ESA are you claiming, is it Contributions based/New style ESA or Income Related? and which group are you in Support Group or WRAG?

    If all of your ESA is Income related then this will end when you claim UC and your existing award will be honoured in UC.

    If part of your ESA is Contributions based/New Style ESA then this will continue to be paid as normal but it will be deducted in full from any UC entitement.

    When you move in together her tax credits will end and you will need to claim Universal Credit as a couple. As it's classed as a change of circumstances and new claims for tax credits are no longer possible.

    Do you own your home or rent?

    Using a benefits calculator will give you some idea what you maybe entitled to,

  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi and welcome to the community, I hope you find the information helpful and if you provide more details Poppy will be able to give more specific advice
  • Liamwillis
    Liamwillis Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Thank you for your reply. I'm claiming pip around 350 every 28days. Esa is income based and that is around 495 every 2 weeks. I was told because of my esa I wouldn't have any change in circumstances because on my esa I have severly disabled. I don't know it's so confusing. I'm currently renting with my brother but I would be moving in with my girlfriend who owns her house. Thank you ever so much for a reply
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,667 Championing
    edited July 2020
    As you're living with your brother then your ESA shouldn't include the SDP unless your brother also claims a qualifying benefit such as PIP daily living or DLA mid/high rate care.

    If all of your ESA is income related then my advice above is correct. Moving in with your partner is a change of circumstances for both of you and you will both need to claim UC as a couple.

    Your ESA Support Group award will be honoured in UC and you will receive the LCWRA element in with your claim.

    Please use a benefits calculator to check how much you'll be entitled to. You will also need to put your partners details and earnings into it.
  • Liamwillis
    Liamwillis Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Thank you very much again for a fast reply, really appreciate it. 
    I'll do the calculator now.