Unsuitable accommodation

Abdulchowdhury Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
Manchester Move Ref - [Removed by moderator]

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing about my health condition is very poor just come out my chemotherapy and going through so much side effect, I lost my sleeping, no appetite, always feel sick,   my right side shoulder to all the way down  got serious pain since last December 2018 due to a chemotherapy side effect, all over body itching and rush and ammonium system so so poor and very quick get food positing and digesting problem and 247 feel so so cold. I also get a very quick infection and I always go through chest and cough and fever and continue taking antibiotic.

[ Removed by moderator]house condition so poor and so many times I asked to visit but unfortunately, still, no one comes to visit my poor place.

I also recently Diogenes got Asma and breathing problem. I also getting treatment of Asma and its happened due to house poor condition.


My daughter [Removed by moderator] got Asma and breathing problem and it got worst and now she been referring to hospital and waiting for an appointment. She got pain her both feet due to flat feet and going through treatment. She also continues going through cough and chest infection and cold.

My young daughter very closed to get Asma because she also keeps getting cough and cold and chest infection.in my family no history of Asma but due to the damp house, we all got Asma and cough and temperature. Our heating system not working at all and all house got hole all over the house so cold air so easily get cold to many drafts coming in the house bathroom has hole and so much fleas in the house  most damp and smelly so whenever we go in the bathroom very smelly smell and feel can't breathe in it is effecting all of our health we find breathing problem of all of us. The kitchen continues water licking when we shower  


We really in a very bad position and I have been asking you and Manchester council to come and visit us however last 3 years still no one come to visit us. To see our position. We are so hopeless and don’t know what to do and who can help us.

I am a blood cancer patient and my health condition so poor and get infection get do quickly in damp and cold. I really hopeless now and hope you can help me.

17 July 2017 had a serious incident happened outside my house I was seriously abused by a couple of people Infront of my house 2 daughter had witnessed it and I feel it has had an impact on their emotional side we have been through so much tremor and its seriously damaged us as a family. We feel screed living here as well.


My health condition is getting seriously very poor this house is affecting me as well as my children I am continuously screaming for help I would be grateful if someone can come out and access my situation and the condition of the house no action has been taken, I feel no one is feeling our pain

Manchester Move did not allow me to up those documents so that's why I been asked to email.

I could not email to you me and my two daughters medical report due it been to big so i will posted to you.

I would be great full of hearing from you.Best regards


[Removed by moderator]


A M Chowdhury


  • Abdulchowdhury
    Abdulchowdhury Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    still same and not getting any help from manchester city council at all.

  • Abdulchowdhury
    Abdulchowdhury Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    I wonder where to go for help ???? over 4 years biding ...same it before 
  • Awesomelorenzo
    Awesomelorenzo Online Community Member Posts: 114 Connected
    We can't really help you on here. We aren't qualified, and can only give advice and tips.
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,682 Championing
    Hello @Abdulchowdhury - I am very sorry to read about your family's health, & your living conditions. I will ask a member of the Scope team for their advice. @Adrian_Scope or @Chloe_Scope can you help here, thank you.
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Welcome to the community @Abdulchowdhury, just to let you know that I have edited your original post to remove personal details. 
  • steve51
    steve51 Online Community Member Posts: 7,121 Championing
    Hi @Abdulchowdhury

    Good Morning & Welcome.

    It’s great to meet you today.

    Please let me know if there’s anything that I can help you with??!!

  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,727 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hi @Abdulchowdhury, I have to say this isn't something I know a lot about. You've been speaking to your local council and they've not been very helpful, but have you spoken to your local Citizens Advice Bureau? You can find your closest Citizens Advice on their website's contact us page
    It might also be worth writing to your local MP about your situation. You can find who your local MP is at Find MPs - MPs and Lords.
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi I am so sorry to hear about your situation, it really is shocking. I wonder if your GP could have any influence over this or maybe draft in the help of Mac Millon

    Have you looked at the option of private renting, or considered visiting your local housing office and make a stand  asking they sort the situation out, take with you copy of any documents they have been sent 

    I hope you manage tyo get smething sorted 
  • Abdulchowdhury
    Abdulchowdhury Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    Thank you but I tried everywhere but no one ready to help.
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @Abdulchowdhury, how are you doing at the moment? Sorry things haven't helped.
  • Abdulchowdhury
    Abdulchowdhury Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    its has been 4 years but never get support or help from the manchester city council. I leaving the very poor condition with my 2 children and both got asthma and other health condition. however, let's see how far I can go.
  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    Hi @Abdulchowdhury

    It's a shame that nothing seems to have improved. 

    This isn't a topic I know much about but I see that you've been signposted to some useful places in the previous posts like Citizens Advice and the page to find your local MP so that you can write to them about your situation.

    I would also suggest visiting the Shelter website, they have lots of information about how to get help when you live in all kinds of housing, and they might be able to assist you.