Help please to avoid unfair credit check issues and/or smart meters when switching energy providers

Lilegg Online Community Member Posts: 60 Connected
I am recovering from cancer and I need to switch energy provider and have two issues. One is that I don't want, for personal health reasons' smart meter which uses WIFI. E.on accept I don't have to have one ( despite wha tit says on their terms and conditions but do insist on a credit check. I have eno credit issues and no credit cards or the like but know this can lead to trouble with these credit check companies. Because I have nothing for them to look at their 'expertise' can deem me bad risk. I know this to be true. Does anyone have any advice on how I can avoid being unable to obtain a loan should I need one in future other than the advice of not doing a switch? I am hoping that any company I join for energy will concede to my not having a smart meter.  I know my rights on that one. 
