Pip been stopped ?

funkyunicorn76 Community member Posts: 12 Connected
edited August 2020 in PIP, DLA, and AA
Hi everyone hope your all doing ok, im sorry ive ive  quiet on here ive ive a lot of things stressing me out, 2 weeks into the lockdown my PIP got stopped im in the process of a mandatory reconsideration and also my ESA dropped down a hundred pounds so im now getting a lot less money which is now sending me into debt with things , i i  struggling to pay bills and everyday things have phoned Stepchange to help they advised a payment suspension , im not complaining but oh my god how stressful this is for me i am trying to send of paperwork via email on my phone and im not computer savvy so trying to find them and edit them then attach them im going to be bald at the end of this!...lol....im not after sympathy with this post guys its just an update and if anyone has any kind advice and a virtual social distancing hand  hold would be good.
Thanks take care everyone stay safe Charlotte x


  • steve51
    steve51 Community member Posts: 7,122 Championing
    Hi @funkyunicorn76

    Welcome it’s great to meet you today ?

    I am Very very sorry to hear about your current problems?

    I have got a good friend on here who is great when it comes to “Issues with Benefits”

    I will forward your post onto her & she will be in contact with you shortly?

    Hi @poppy123456

    Can you please help me with this post???

    Many thanks.


  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi @funkyunicorn76 I am sorry to heat about your PIP and other benefits being stopped it must be a huge change in your circumstances.

    When I had to reduce my outgoings I just rang each company and explained the situation and together we went through income and expenditure and agreed a reduced payment plan (and I mean reduced eg £5 per month).

    This was an alternative to suspending payments at least I was paying something

    I also didnt have all the copying of forms and stuff to deal with and got an instant decision which gave me peace of mind
  • funkyunicorn76
    funkyunicorn76 Community member Posts: 12 Connected
    Hi everyone thank you for taking the time to read my post, the only money im on at the moment is £238 every fortnight and my bills add up to  £583.93 every month plus i have old debts adding up to £5,495 think this us why stepchange suggested that option of payment suspension ?
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Community member Posts: 2,916 Championing
    I know it's not helpful now, but when your PIP gets reinstated (hopefully after MR, but worst case after tribunal), you'll get back pay to cover the debts that you're getting now.  It does sound like it would be best to go for the payment suspension and hope that you do win the MR asap!
  • funkyunicorn76
    funkyunicorn76 Community member Posts: 12 Connected
    Hi mike what else do you suggest?
  • Bell11
    Bell11 Community member Posts: 24 Connected
    Hi I'm not savy on benefits I do get PIP. 
    Cant help with all that really but a listening?and ? is here for you. Hope all goes well xx
  • Merlinz110
    Merlinz110 Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    This is terrible and i know how you feel and everyone here is with you 100%, all you can do right now is the MR, make sure someone helps you with it, i personally couldn't do it myself so its always best to have a "normal" mind oversee things in case you perceive questions wrong or don't know how to word things, its very hard!, if you check my post from 2 years ago i had a problem for the first time ever when i was cut off too, after having it most of my life due to my disabilities and how it affects me, and i rely on the extra money to literally survive because of the conditions i have, i am so lucky that there are working people out there that can give me a quality of life that i really wouldn't have without the extra money, and i believe strongly if your entitled to it, your entitled to it and you must fight for it back because this is why it exists, to help people that need it.

    I know it must be so hard for you right now but you will be ok as long as you don't give up, and if you have anyone like your mum or dad or siblings who can help you make sure you get them to help like i did, wish you the very best stay well and again i am so so sorry to hear about what this is putting you though, make sure if you have problems understanding that you get someone to help you, stay positive unicorn.