MR Pip

georgiamaeslash Community member Posts: 3 Listener
Hi, I was on ESA at the beginning of the year which stopped in January as I’m a university student, I applied for PIP early February and finally received my decision 7 weeks ago after the phonecall assessment and they said I was not eligible for pip as my score was too low. Reading through the notes, I noticed she had put a lot of untrue things that wasn’t said on the assessment such as being able to walk over 50 metres and the fact I can drive and go to university means I’m okay? We did say that I do a lot of work from home as I am classed as a disabled student. We did a mandatory reconsideration and a letter which was received on the 8th of June and still haven’t heard anything back? Is this normal? I haven’t had any money what so ever since January and honestly my depression is spiralling downhill and my back is deteriorating more. Could anyone give me a guide to how successful the MR’s are and how long it would possibly take in these times for a tribunal if needs be. I’ve looked at the website and I don’t really understand it but everytime I sit and think of it I start panicking. I’m so sorry for the long question but if anyone could help me or even share similar stories that would help so much, thank you 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,691 Championing
    HI and welcome,

    Yes it's perfectly normal for a MR to take about 10 weeks, sometimes longer.

    You say you don't have any money at the moment. Are you not receiving a student loan? Lots of students have the loan, otherwise they wouldn't be able to survive being a student.
  • georgiamaeslash
    georgiamaeslash Community member Posts: 3 Listener
    Yeah I receive a student loan 3 times a year but I’m an art student so it usually goes towards bills and equipment 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi and welcome to the community glad you have joined us

    You have had some good advice and the question answered I just wanted to welcome you to the community and look forward to seeing you around
  • steve51
    steve51 Community member Posts: 7,121 Championing
    Hi @georgiamaeslash

    Good Afternoon & Welcome it’s great to meet you today.

  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,507 Championing
    Hi @georgiamaeslash - Welcome to the community from me too. Thank you for joining, & I hope you've already found it helpful. I look forward to hearing from you again. :)
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,510 Championing
    Hi @georgiamaeslash, here is some information that might help if you are struggling with money while at university:

    Extra funding

    Check the student finance calculator on GOV.UK to see what extra help you might be able to get.


    You may be able to claim grants from charitable trusts to help with extra disability-related costs.

    Use the grants checker.

    Bursaries and awards

    Bursaries and awards are like grants and you do not have to pay them back. Talk to your student support service to find out if you can get financial support.

    If you’re a postgraduate and you want to teach in a school, you can apply for bursaries and scholarships to fund your teacher training.

    Find out how much you could get at Get into teaching (GOV.UK).


    Some universities and trusts offer scholarships for disabled students.

    These scholarships are based on merit and do not take into account any other funding.

    Contact your university to see if they offer scholarships.

    If you’re a studying a master’s degree, you may be able to get a scholarship from Snowdon Trust.

    University and college hardship funds

    You could get extra money from your university or college if you’re experiencing financial hardship.

    For example, if you’re:

    • disabled
    • a mature student with existing financial commitments
    • a student that was previously in care (a ‘care leaver’)

    Many providers have set up new funds designed to provide grants for financial difficulties arising from issues relating to coronavirus. The funds help with the purchase of laptops and wi-fi dongles so students can access remote teaching and learning. Contact the student services department at your university or college. They’ll decide if you qualify.