Pip MR

river123 Online Community Member Posts: 108 Contributor
edited August 2020 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Hi would you advise for me to go in for a MR over the phone or request to to it by post? I was going to maybe ring them today and request a MR and do it over the phone but also send in more evidence even though they have tons.. 
Many thanks.. 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    I always advise to put it in writing. You say you've sent "tons" of evidence but have you sent anecdotal evidence? Medical eviddence is only really helpful if it states how your conditions affect you and it's not often medical evidence states this. Less is always more but those real life examples of what happened the last time you attempted that activity for each descriptor that applies to you will always be the best. Make sure you state where you were, what happened and who was with you.
  • river123
    river123 Online Community Member Posts: 108 Contributor
    Hi @poppy123456
    Thanks for your reply..  
    yes I’ve sent medical evidence and on the letters it’s stated how it affects me on a day to basis, this letter is off my nurse and still doesn’t seem to of done the job. I haven’t yet received my decision letter although I have been told on the phone that it was no award, I’m hoping I may receive it in the post today as it’s not yet been, then I can maybe start in the MR... it all seems such a long process and seems that some don’t even get the award they want after all the process they taken to get to the final decision. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Anecdotal evidence is always the best because it comes from you and you'r ethe only one that really knows how your conditions affect you. A medical professional will only know how you're affected if you tell them because they don't spend enough of time with you to know exactly how.

    There's no timescales for any decisions but the success rate of MR's is now more than 50% which is amazing. Hopefully you'll be one of those. Good luck.
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi @river123 I am sorry you have had no award and you are preparing to submit an MR. As Poppy has advised the most important bit is you saying how you are affected.

    Good luck and hope you get the decision you deserve
  • river123
    river123 Online Community Member Posts: 108 Contributor
    Thank you I have received my Decision letter in the post today and I was scored 6.. I am going to send all my stuff of today with a letter stating how I’m affected and hopefully it may reach dwp the end of next week. I once applied for pip 2 years ago and got scored 0 and I never ended up taking it further not even with a MR but this time I feel abit more prepared and I’m willing to take it that one step further this time. Some of the things what is writen on this letter is madness, it says I only take over counter medication when it’s stated of my nurse that the medication I am on is not just what I can go and buy it has to be on prescription, also I am on injections too for my ibd and that certainly isn’t over the counter for just anyone to buy.. crazy ay..