
male45 Online Community Member Posts: 334 Empowering
hi to the admins sorry I didn't know which category to put this in. Please do move to correct one for me

Does anyone suffer from diverticulitis?
In February my wife was rushed into hospital after doubling over in pain at home.
Ambulance arrived and worked with her for an hour as her body temp reduced a great deal amd finding a view to insert a needle was proving difficult.  Eventually they achieved that and it was 999 to hoapital where a team met us at the doors and she was seen to straight away.
She spent a week in on various drips and was allowed home after 7 days.
This was just prior to lockdoqn here.
She was to have a colonoscopy but that was arranged as an outpatient.  This just took place this morning where it showed inflamed polyps and a blocked blood vessel shes to return for a full colonoscopy  when a new appointment  arrives. Hopefully that won't be too long.

So I'm just wondering have any members experienced this and if so how do you cope what treatment if any given and examinations

Best wishes 


  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,714 Championing
    Hi @male45

    I'm sorry your wife is having a difficult time health-wise.  You can read more about the condition and its treatment at this Diverticular disease and diverticulitis NHS page.  

    Are you wondering how the next colonoscopy will be?  I have had numerous colonoscopies and polyps removed before and personally found it okay to deal with and not overly painful.  If your wife has sedation she will likely not remember most of it and the hospital team will ensure she has adequate pain relief. 

    I'm not sure how the blocked blood vessel will be treated though, so here's where our other members might be able to tell you about their experience :)

    I hope the treatment helps relieve the pain your wife is going through. 

  • male45
    male45 Online Community Member Posts: 334 Empowering
    Thank you for the reply first of all and the NHS link which I've been reading a lot along with other links about it.
    Theres lots out there and some different names for basically the same disease.

    You asked am I wondering how the next scope will be..answer, yes. I'm wondering if it will show something like cancer further up inside the colon.
    My wife has had a number of scopes over the years for various things. This being the latest, she's used to it and doesn't want the sedation
     I asked her that the last thing before being called into the waiting area.. I was kicked outside as they don't allow more than three people in the waiting area now.
    Like you I'm not sure how a blocked vessel will be treated.
    My sister who has been a nurse for some 30 odd years may know so will ask her later today sure when you were going for the scops you were feeling anxious also and relieved when done and dusted.
     When they tell you polyps were removed it can be concerning until explained fully.
    I hope you don't have anymore scopes to attend and your health is well now.
    Yes I'll look forward to other members coming into the thread and adding to it.
    Once again thank you for your kid words and help.
    Best wishes

  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,714 Championing
    No problem @male45 My health is stable, thank you.

    It can be nerve wracking waiting to hear back from the polyp testing and I really empathise.  I have everything crossed for her and please let us know how you get on.

    By the way, she is a braver person than me not having sedation :)  
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi @male45 Sorry to heart about your wife buy it sounds like they are investigating to try and find a diagnosis and the tests and outcomes can be a worry for you both.

    Fingers crossed for you both
  • male45
    male45 Online Community Member Posts: 334 Empowering
    @Cher_Scope and @janer1967
    Thank you both for your warm words of comfort.
    Cher id faint at the sight of something going well you know.
    The Mrs is a braver person than me lol.
    We will wait to receive the letter of results along with the diagram usually sent after an examination  such as this. But the surgeon who did the scooe didn't seem worried, wife said.
    Will update when results are through.
    Meanwhile I hope noone will have nightmares tonight ? 
    Best wishes 
  • newborn
    newborn Online Community Member Posts: 828 Trailblazing
    Diverticulitis  is common. Probably there won't be any other digestive complications, but I try to pass on awareness of FODMAPs,  because it's what N.I.C.E is pressing doctors and patients to learn about. The new theory is that in the past, and still, people had pain, treatment, even surgery,  which might have been avoided by FODMAPs knowledge. Kings are the lead hospital. 
  • male45
    male45 Online Community Member Posts: 334 Empowering
    Hi there. Thank you for your reply. I dont know what FODMAPS is but will Google it.
    Best wishes
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @male45, sounds like it's been rough for you both, how are you doing? :)
  • male45
    male45 Online Community Member Posts: 334 Empowering
    We are doing OK thank you. Just getting some decorating done in kitchen and bit of everything  else around. 
    Thank you for asking. Hope you're OK and staying safe 
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,756 Championing
    My Great Aunt has diverticulitis.  She can still eat pretty much anything in moderation, just has to avoid high fibre foods like wholemeal bread.  Also been told to drink more water, though of course, that comes with it's own complications aged 87!

    She was never told to go Low FODMAP as far as I'm aware - but I was for IBS.  It's pretty much impossible to do as there's very little left on the 'safe' list, and I found that there were a lot of foods on the safe list that I couldn't tolerate anyway.  Gave up on it myself, it seems that you're better off keeping a food diary and just finding out which foods work for you.
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    I hope the decoration is going well @male45. :)
  • male45
    male45 Online Community Member Posts: 334 Empowering
    I hope the decoration is going well @male45. :)
    4 coats of paint on ceiling and same on walls. Pewcious tenants smoked heavily.  
    Nearing the end. Tomorrow should do it...
    Thank you for asking
    Best wishes
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Sounds great @male45