
Rambo_69 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
hi everyone can you help I live in Knowsley Area of Liverpool I'm claiming esa income related and pip daily living enhanced  rate for mobility. 
If I leave my partner would I be still get sea in the support group or do I have to go on universal  credit 
Any help would be appreciated 
Regards <moderator removed - personal details> 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,179 Championing
    HI and welcome,

    It depends on a few things and more information is needed to be able to advise you further. Who's the main claimant of the ESA claim?
    You say Income Related ESA but are you 100% sure of this? You'll be surprised of the amount of people that get very confused with this.
    Does anyone claim carers allowance or the carers element of Universal Credit for looking after you?

    finally, will you need to claim for help with any rent?
  • Rambo_69
    Rambo_69 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    Hi poppy I am the main claimant for me & my partner 
    I am 100% sure I'm on income related as I've worked since I left school up until I had my second spinal op and confirmed by dwp 
    My partner claims carer's allowance for me it comes off me & my partners esa  so we get £301.50 fortnight plus I get enhanced rate for both daily living and mobility component of pip  
    We claim housing benefit and council tax reduction for extra bedroom
    Any help you can give me Totally Appreciated 
    Regards Gary 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,179 Championing
    Thanks for that information.

    If you moved out then of course your partner will need to report the changes for the carers allowance, if they are no longer caring for you.

    If you then live alone you'll be able to claim the severe disability premium in with your ESA (extra £66.95 per week) BUt you can only claim this if no one claims carers allowance or the carers element of Universal Credit for looking after you. If there's any other adults living with you they must also claim either PIP daily living/DLA mid/high rate care/Attendance Allowance or be registered blind.

    Once the SDP is in payment you'll then be able to make a new claim for housing benefit, if you need help with any rent because those that are claiming the SDP in another benefit are excluded from claiming Universal Credit until 27th January 2021.

    If you moved after this date then you would need to claim UC for any help with the rent.

    Your PIP won't be affected.
  • Rambo_69
    Rambo_69 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    Thanks poppy for the information so if I move out before the 27th January 2021 I can still have my legacy benefit or do I have to apply for new style esa for myself and inform the dwp that my partner is no longer my carer so the sdp gets added to my benefits can I then apply for direct payments from the council for my care as I'm the one who needs help 

    Totally appreciate all the information you've given me 
    Regards Gary 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,179 Championing
    edited August 2020
    You're welcome,

    You can't apply for New style ESA because that's a contributions based benefit which you can't claim because you haven't worked in the previous 2 tax years.

    You will stay on the ESA that you're on now. You can't claim the SDP until your partner has canceled the carers allowance. Once that is done and they've informed ESA then you can apply for the SDP providing you live alone.

    You will of course need to report the changes to DWP and your ESA will change to a single person claim.

    You can't just apply for a direct payment because that's not how it works. For this you will first need to refer yourself for a needs assessment from your local council social services. From this they will determine if they can offer you any support/help.

    If you do split up from your partner then easiest thing to do is come back if you need anymore advice.

  • Rambo_69
    Rambo_69 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    Thank you so much 
    Regards Gary