clare_1 Community member Posts: 125 Empowering
Hello all.

I have been getting PIP Standard rate for both and they have been paying me this. I didn't agree with the decision and took it to first tribunal.
I had a telephone court hearing in the 20th August and won the right to have it changed to enhanced for both. I received the letter from the courts confirming this the next day.
Today is my payday from PIP and they haven't added what im owed back dated and they haven't gave me my new rate and have just payed me standard rate.

Does anyone one have any clue as to why this would happen?
I thought I wpuld come ask on here first before ringing beacsue I struggle to speak.

This is my 3rd time in having to fight for PIP and the 3rd time I have won. The only difference is that this time they gave me pints and paying me standard rate, before caese they didn't pay me anything.

Any help would be great ? 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,503 Championing
    Hi and welcome,

    Great news on the Tribunal decision. It's because that decision was only on 20th August, which really wasn't that long ago. It can take between 2 -8 weeks, sometimes longer to receive backdated money and about the same time to put your new award into payment.

    Before paying you they will contact you either by phone or letter to ask if you've been in prison or hospital anytime in the past, which is standard procedure after a Trinunal win.

    Until then there's nothing more you can do but wait. Hopefully not too much longer.
  • clare_1
    clare_1 Community member Posts: 125 Empowering
    Thank you for your reply.

    Thank you.
    The anxiety and stress is just so unnecessary, you would have thought being my this was my thrid time of taking it further, they would stop wasting money and give me what entitled to in the first place.

    Ah ok I see. Wistful thinking that it will be quicker this time beacuse they already paying me standard for both.
    So a waiting game now. Fingers crossed they don't ask for statement of reason ?. 
    At least this time my telephone conversation has been recorded.

  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,714 Championing
    edited September 2020
    Well done @clare_1 on challenging the decision and getting a positive outcome.  I'm sorry you had to battle to get it but I hope it's not too long until you receive your back payment.  
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Great news about the win @clare_1 and thanks for sharing with us

    Hope your not waiting too long for the extra payment 
  • clare_1
    clare_1 Community member Posts: 125 Empowering
    Thank you both.
    I will keep updated what out come is.

    As I said before it's my 3rd time in having to through this with the slight difference of them pay standard for both,  I definitely saw this as positive and was grateful i got payed something ?.
    Just annoying and stressful of having to getthe full amount im entitled to.
    It just crazy how much paper gets wasted and it's frustrating that you have loads of hospital, doctors ect letters and they don't even get looked at. I sent of about 14 pages of extra information on the form of day struggles and that was just discarded.
    When one report came back the assessor reference ESA that she looked into it. So angry because it made no sense beacuse it's separate case, she shouldn't have done that and when i asked it to be looked at again, they made it put i brought up ESA when it was in black and white. So strange because ESA changed my claim from work related to surrport group so not really sure what point she was trying to make.

    Anyway that is over and done with for an other 2 years atleast and then I'm sure it will happen all over again.

    Good luck to anyone else who going through this process, my fingers are crossed for you all ?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,503 Championing

    Sending 14 pages of extra evidence isn't helpful unless it states exactly how your conditions affect you and even then, less is very often more. Medical evidence isn't useful unless it states exactly how your conditions affect you and most medical evidence doesn't state this. Anecdotal evidence will always be the best you can send. Definitely worth thinking of for the next time, even if it's 2 years time.
  • clare_1
    clare_1 Community member Posts: 125 Empowering
    Thank you for reply Poppy.

    I tryed in the past to send little as possible so this time I tryed something different. It said to write daily events.
    So sent how long each activity takes me, what feelings I go through when doing an activity ect. 
    Evidance wise I sent in ANE reports when got admitted by ambulance, operations i had, specialist letters of what and when got diagnosed ( most statted how i walked into the medical room, how i spoke and who with), speach therapy and that stated how my voice is and how I struggle. 
    I tryed to send in information that will help inform them rather than just starting what i have.

    I welcome any help that will make things easier for next time, I really do.
    It's just so hard to know what to do other than state the truth. It's one of them, that unless you know what and how to write your exactly, your more or less going to struggle.

    I know different claim but I even got help for ESA form before but because I have social anxiety and hard to speak, it was so hard for me and very distressing. 

    When you say Anecdotal, what do you mean?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,503 Championing
    edited September 2020
    Anecdotal evidence.... recent real world examples of what happened the last time you attempted that activity for each descriptor that applies to you, stating who you were with and where it happened.

  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    Hello @clare_1 ! Congrats on winning your telephone hearing, hopefully you get the backpayment soon.
  • clare_1
    clare_1 Community member Posts: 125 Empowering
    Thank you all for reply's and thank you for congrats on the successful phone call.

    Will await the outcome of back payment or if they going to ask for statement of reason from the courts.

  • clare_1
    clare_1 Community member Posts: 125 Empowering
    Hi all
    Just updating, they didn't ask for statement of reason and have backdated payments and its all gone through.

    Thank you for the help
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Great news thanks for sharing 
  • clare_1
    clare_1 Community member Posts: 125 Empowering
    Thanks janer1967