Hello! Has anyone had experiences with chiropractic care?



  • Emma95
    Emma95 Online Community Member, CP Network Posts: 49 Empowering
    Hi @Richard_Scope

    Lovely to hear from you. I'm okay thank you, how are you? Christmas was a quiet one but still nice to have a break. How was your new year? 

    The colder weather seems to make things feel a little worse - I forgot how bad I was on icy pavements! I hope you're well. 
  • Richard_Scope
    Richard_Scope Posts: 3,699 Cerebral Palsy Network
    edited January 2021
    It was very different from normal times but still enjoyable. Cold weather really does have an effect, I feel like I have the knees of a ninety-year-old :D
    Have you seen the video that Scope helped produce? It might be useful for your studies.
    Eternal Healthcare: Women and girls speak. The final film — Scope | Disability forum

  • Emma95
    Emma95 Online Community Member, CP Network Posts: 49 Empowering
    Hi @Richard_Scope, I'm very sorry for my delay in replying, I've had a lot of covid related problems to deal with in the last week! My knees feel exactly the same, I'll be glad when it starts to warm up a bit again! Thank you so much for the video link, it looks fascinating and it's come at exactly the right time! How is the research going? I'd love to be kept updated, it's going to be so valuable! I hope you're having a good week. 
  • Dsmout96
    Dsmout96 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Connected
    Hi @Emma95 I've only just stumbled across this post, after some time away from this forum.  I'd be a similar age to you have turned 25 last month.

    Firstly, congratulations on choosing to pursue a PhD in lockdown, are you getting much academic support? I completed a masters from home last summer and really struggled with the lack of support despite my my supervisor trying his best with video calls.

    I have spastic diaplegia type CP and have worn AFO splints on both legs for over 20 years. I appreciate that being a guy, I've probably had a comparatively easy time sourcing AFO suitable footwear, in my experience cheaper shoe shops tend to do wider shoes and I do usually go for trainers as I find these the easiest to get on. 

    With regards to your concerns about your balance getting worse,  things improved drastically for me when I found a local inclusive cycling club, near to me, where I now go cycling on both pedal and hand propelled bikes 3 times a week. This has proved to be great exercise and a welcome change of scene during lock down. I don't know if there's a similar thing in your area?

    I have had experiences with physios on and off, since I turned 18 I've had to pay  privately.

    Whilst I think we can all appreciate the difficulties in not being able to get around as quickly as we would like, you can take comfort in the fact, on here, you're not alone.

    Welcome back to the forum.
  • Stayce
    Stayce Online Community Member, CP Network Posts: 839 Empowering
    edited March 2021
    Hi @Emma95

    I’m coming to this discussion a bit late but you might find it useful to look at the differences between chiropractors v osteopaths

     Chiropractors tend to be specifically focussed on treating muscle and joint pains, with a focus on adjustments to the vertebrae of the spine. Osteopaths aim to treat the body as a whole, looking at the structure of the body and the interdependence throughout the body. I have Hemiplegia and have found osteopath to be very helpful and gentle.

    From my experience through the pandemic accessing NHS physio neuro or otherwise is non existent. (Well it is in my area)

    Hope this helps

  • Emma95
    Emma95 Online Community Member, CP Network Posts: 49 Empowering
    Dsmout96 said:
    Hi @Emma95 I've only just stumbled across this post, after some time away from this forum.  I'd be a similar age to you have turned 25 last month.

    Firstly, congratulations on choosing to pursue a PhD in lockdown, are you getting much academic support? I completed a masters from home last summer and really struggled with the lack of support despite my my supervisor trying his best with video calls.

    I have spastic diaplegia type CP and have worn AFO splints on both legs for over 20 years. I appreciate that being a guy, I've probably had a comparatively easy time sourcing AFO suitable footwear, in my experience cheaper shoe shops tend to do wider shoes and I do usually go for trainers as I find these the easiest to get on. 

    With regards to your concerns about your balance getting worse,  things improved drastically for me when I found a local inclusive cycling club, near to me, where I now go cycling on both pedal and hand propelled bikes 3 times a week. This has proved to be great exercise and a welcome change of scene during lock down. I don't know if there's a similar thing in your area?

    I have had experiences with physios on and off, since I turned 18 I've had to pay  privately.

    Whilst I think we can all appreciate the difficulties in not being able to get around as quickly as we would like, you can take comfort in the fact, on here, you're not alone.

    Welcome back to the forum.
    Hi @Dsmout96

    Thank you for your reply and happy birthday for last month! 

    Thank you! Fortunately I am getting a lot of support, I'm sorry to hear that you struggled, doing academic work online is definitely something that needs a lot of adjustment to get used to, but congratulations for completing your masters!

    AFO splints are definitely something I want to ask about post Covid, I've not used them since I was a lt younger, I agree though trainers are usually the best way to go. 

    I'm really glad the cycling club has helped so much, I will look into this, it's something I hadn't thought of so many thanks for the suggestion. 

    Yes, I'm currently on the waiting list for NHS physio but I might look into private care. 

    I really appreciate being able to discuss our experiences so thank you.

    I hope you are having a good weekend, 

  • Emma95
    Emma95 Online Community Member, CP Network Posts: 49 Empowering
    Stayce said:
    Hi @Emma95

    I’m coming to this discussion a bit late but you might find it useful to look at the differences between chiropractors v osteopaths

     Chiropractors tend to be specifically focussed on treating muscle and joint pains, with a focus on adjustments to the vertebrae of the spine. Osteopaths aim to treat the body as a whole, looking at the structure of the body and the interdependence throughout the body. I have Hemiplegia and have found osteopath to be very helpful and gentle.

    From my experience through the pandemic accessing NHS physio neuro or otherwise is non existent. (Well it is in my area)

    Hope this helps

    Hi @Stayce

    No problem I really appreciate you reply. 

    That's so useful to know, I'd always been unsure of the differences and which would be better for me. I'm so glad you've found osteopath helpful and it being gentle it sounds like it's the best option. I'll look into what is available near me. 

    Yes I'm finding the same unfortunately, but this has definitely helped, thank you so much. Best wishes. 
  • Emma95
    Emma95 Online Community Member, CP Network Posts: 49 Empowering
    Hello @Richard_Scope , I hope you are well? My apologies for popping up on here after so long. I am now in the position to be able advertise for volunteer participants for my PhD study, do you know where would be best to post about my research on SCOPE, if this is possible? Many thanks and best wishes
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,452 Championing
    edited November 2021
    Hi @Emma95 :) If you could complete the attached document outlining a little bit of information about your research, that'd be great. If you have any trouble accessing the form, please do let us know.

    Once we've received this and checked it over, you can post about this in our news and opportunities category, which is the only category into which we allow research to be posted.
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,452 Championing
    Hi @Emma95 :) If you could complete the attached document outlining a little bit of information about your research, that'd be great. If you have any trouble accessing the form, please do let us know.

    Once we've received this and checked it over, you can post about this in our news and opportunities category, which is the only category into which we allow research to be posted.
  • Emma95
    Emma95 Online Community Member, CP Network Posts: 49 Empowering
    Hi @Emma95 :) If you could complete the attached document outlining a little bit of information about your research, that'd be great. If you have any trouble accessing the form, please do let us know.

    Once we've received this and checked it over, you can post about this in our news and opportunities category, which is the only category into which we allow research to be posted.
    Hi @Tori_Scope, that's great thank you very much for your help, I'll complete the document as soon as possible. Many thanks again. 
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,452 Championing
    No problem @Emma95 :) I forgot to say, email it to community@scope.org.uk once you've completed it! 
  • Emma95
    Emma95 Online Community Member, CP Network Posts: 49 Empowering
    No problem @Emma95 :) I forgot to say, email it to community@scope.org.uk once you've completed it! 
    Hi @Tori_Scope many apologies for my delay in replying and returning the form, am I still okay to complete the form and send it to be checked? Many thanks. 
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,452 Championing
    No problem @Emma95 :) Yes, that's fine, just send it back whenever you get time. 
  • Emma95
    Emma95 Online Community Member, CP Network Posts: 49 Empowering
    No problem @Emma95 :) Yes, that's fine, just send it back whenever you get time. 
    Many thanks for this @Tori_Scope, I have not completed and emailed the form. Thank you again for your help. I hope you had a lovely Christmas and New Year  :)