Hi, my name is Jolouise88!

Jolouise88 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
Morning all, 
I really do need help. I am in agony! My legs from my thighs right to my toes is just getting worse week by week! It’s throbbing but aching at the same time. The burning and stabbing pain in my feet is just getting horrendous and some days like today I’m getting sharp stabbing pains in my thigh.
my muscles cramp randomly and it takes my breath away a bit! Night times I wake up to cramp and I get this pain in my right heel, feels like a knife is in my foot. My arms and hands ache and shooting pains go through my shoulder down my arm to my hand right through my thumb. My hands are stiff all the time and it hurts to even put my hand in a fist.
I’m either too cold or to hot. Can’t find that in between! Drives me insane!!
I’ve always suffered with headaches migraines & in sept 2013 I ended up in hospital with viral meningitis. Since then I’ve never been the same and was diagnosed with chronic daily migraines. I do have to say though since taking the pregablin they have calmed down a fair bit.
I went to the doctors when it started getting bad in Sept 19. In jan 2020 the doctor put me on pregablin and codiene and sertraline. And started treating me for fibromyalgia. 
I’m now upto 600mg pregablin 60mg codiene & 100mg sertraline and on really bad days it doesn’t even touch the pain!
I guess what I’m asking is would you looking at my symptoms steer more toward peripheral neuropathy than fibromyalgia. I have had blood tests done also which have come back all clear. I am just rattling my brain continuously as to what this is. I don’t want to go back to the doctor with ‘could it be peripheral neuropathy’, which is where any help and advice from diagnosed sufferers will come in to help me out and rule other chronic pain conditions out.

thankyou for reading and look forward to speaking with you all x


  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi and welcome sorry to hear about your pain 

    Sorry but we are not medically trained so cant really help with a diagnosis but can share our symptoms 

    I have peripheral neuropathy and some of the symptoms you describe I have but I dint have fibro so cant comment on that 

    I take pregabalin and this controls my symptoms apart from some very sharp nerve pain in my amputated stump but it isnt constant or long lasting 

    You really should get a medical opinion and discuss your thought with your gp 
  • Jolouise88
    Jolouise88 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Thankyou for your reply. Oh I 100% agree it’s something to talk about with my gp. I thought to pop a post up and if you guys thought point blank it doesn’t sound like I have PN then I could look down other routes. Groups like this help as I can read others posts and reply’s also. 
    I’m just not convinced that my symptoms sound like fibromyalgia! 
    Thankyou again
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,451 Championing
    Welcome to the community @Jolouise88 :) 

    I've moved your post into the Chronic Pain category, as I think that might be your best bet in finding people who've experienced something similar.

    I look forward to seeing you around! Let us know if you need any help finding your way around.
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @Jolouise88, how are you feeling today? :)
  • Jolouise88
    Jolouise88 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    oh I feel ok in myself which is annoying but my body is agony. I’ve got a call with the doctor today but I’m not sure how much more they can do without knowing or having a clue what this is! I’ve looked at peripheral neuropathy, arthritis, fibromyalgia but I’m just not sure!! 
    So do you suffer with chronic pain also? Thankyou for asking x
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,451 Championing
    Sorry that you're still in so much pain @Jolouise88. Good luck with the call today, if you haven't already had it. Let us know how it goes. 
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @Jolouise88, sorry to hear you were in a lot of pain yesterday. Did the phone call go okay?

    I hope today is easier. :)