ESA when on PIP

Butler356 Community member Posts: 40 Contributor
Wanted to know - I am on PIP and was advised by The Brain Charity to go on ESA as well whilst I find a job. The only thing is you need a doctors sick note and fill out another form (24 pages). My question is I'm not sick I just have a disability namely MS and the main barrier for not getting a job is mainly due to discrimination and also lots of people applying for the same role. Last job applied for had 187 applications and lucky the interview is via Zoom, so they could not see my stick, which I have seen in the past the interviewers reactions when they see this! Should I go for ESA until a role comes my way?


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    edited October 2020

    The only ESA you can claim now, unless you claim a severe disability premium in another benefit is New style ESA and to claim this you must have paid the correct amount of NI contributions from working in tax years April 2017 to March 2019. Yes, a fit note from your GP will be needed to be able to claim this. 

    Although if you are fit to work then maybe ESA is not the benefit that you should be claiming, although permitted work is possible while claiming this providing you work less than 16 hours and not earn more than £140 after deductions per week. Although if the work you do contradicts the reasons why you're claiming ESA then it could go against you when the decision is made on your work capability assessment.

    If you are able to work and you've paid the correct amount of NI contributions then New style JSA maybe possible. This is paid for 26 weeks.

    If you haven't paid the correct amount and you don't currently claim a severe disability premium in another benefit then the only benefit that you maybe able to claim is Universal Credit. As this is a means tested benefit, if you live with a partner then you claim as a couple. If you have savings/capital of more than £16,000 then you'll be excluded from claiming. To start the limited capability for work process off under UC then fit notes will also be needed from your GP.

    A claim for UC will end any tax credits you may already be claiming.

    Hope this helps.
  • Butler356
    Butler356 Community member Posts: 40 Contributor
    Can I ask - whether a sick note goes against you when on PIP, I also do fit into NI contributions and I am awarded enhanced PIP for both categories,all I do is voluntary work at the moment so no income.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    ESA and PIP are 2 completely different benefits with totally different criteria and one doesn't affect the other, not in a bad way, at least.

    Just so that you're aware you wouldn't receive NI credits from claiming PIP or from work voluntary. Have you had paid work at all in the previous 2 tax years?

    May i also ask if there's any other benefits at all that you claim, other than PIP?
  • Butler356
    Butler356 Community member Posts: 40 Contributor
    Yes I was in work during 2017-2018 so I think I fall into contributions for NI okay? 

  • Butler356
    Butler356 Community member Posts: 40 Contributor
    I also worked from March - May 2019 (short term contract)

  • Butler356
    Butler356 Community member Posts: 40 Contributor
    I suppose I am really wanting a job rather than benefits and find it hard to think about going on ESA! Of course I am mindful and extremely Okay with PIP as I do need this for daily living and currently no cure for MS.
  • Butler356
    Butler356 Community member Posts: 40 Contributor
    Its so complicating really.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    If you only worked from 2017-18 and then just from March to May 2019 then you may not qualify for NsESA. You need tax years April 2017 to March 2018 and April 2018 to march 2019. How long did you work for in 2017/18?

    There's information here in this link about what is needed and how long you need to have work and paid them from.

    If you haven't paid the correct amount then you can look at claiming Universal Credit. If you live with a partner, you claim as couple. Use a benefits calculator to check entitlement. If you have a limited capability for work then you'll need a fit note from your GP.

  • Butler356
    Butler356 Community member Posts: 40 Contributor
    sorry yes I worked from August 2017 -December 2018 - March 2019 - May 2019 - I'll leave it there as I have run out of energy. Thanks for your help it has helped. I did receive JSA last year so I am sure I should be okay.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    No problem.

    All you can do is apply and see what the decision is. DWP will check your NI records. It's very difficult to advise correctly without all the correct information.