Do you live in a high rise building? Tell us by the 4th November

Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,454 Championing
edited November 2020 in People power

Scope are looking for storytellers who live in a high rise building, to talk to BBC Online about the need for emergency evacuation plans, in light of the Grenfell Tower tragedy.

Here's what BBC online are looking for:

We are speaking to someone who lost his mother in the Grenfell fire. He believes that if she had had an emergency evacuation plan, she would still be here today.

What we are looking for now is to speak to someone currently living in a situation that means they would benefit from the emergency evacuation plan, likely a high-rise or tall block of flats.

I'm keen to hear a voice from the community most likely to be impacted by this to get a sense of how they feel about this recommendation not coming to pass. Do they feel nervous or afraid to be in their own home? 

Depending on where the individual is based, and what is safest, we can come to film with them in person or over Zoom. 

If you're in this situation, and you'd like to make your voice heard, please do one of the below by the 4th November:
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