
HelenT2 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Connected
Is anyone else having difficulties with Christmas approaching ? I have no family that I would like to spend Christmas with ( the only living relatives are my two brothers. One sexually abused me when I was a child and my other brother has sided with him.) I do have friends but they are either married and spending time with their spouses or they are working.
I have recently reported my brother for historic sexual abuse and so I have the outcome of this hanging over me as well as the build up to Christmas.
I can usually cope on my own this time of year but I am really struggling this year. I feel so alone and lonely I wonder if my life will ever be free of my past so I can more on and form my own family. I have been on a waiting list for  counselling for over 16 months -obviously Covid has slowed this down.


  • Wini1960
    Wini1960 Online Community Member Posts: 125 Empowering
    HelenT2@Hi i really feel for you. Have you tried NAPAC which deals with adults experiencing the trauma of sexual abuse. Being a survivor myself i find NAPAC to be really helpful and i still keep in touch with the Brill group. The problem is waiting on the NHS takes a long time and not enough time to deal with your trauma therapy. It will be a long journey. Have you tried churches you might be able to get counselling on line. I wish you the best for the future. 
  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    Hello @HelenT2

    I'm sorry to hear about how you are feeling at the moment, the run up to Christmas can be a hard time for many people. 

    What you've had to go through sounds terrible and I'm very sorry to hear about it. I'm glad that the historic abuse has been reported, and hopefully the right action will be taken against those who are guilty.

    I'm sure that one day you will be able to feel more comfortable in your mind and put the past events behind you, and I'm sure that counselling will help with this. Do you have any idea of when you will receive the counselling? 

    Are you receiving any other support right now? If not, , here are a few resources that you may find helpful:
    • you can call Samaritans any time on 116 123, if you feel as though you are struggling with your mental health.
    • you can text Shout to 85258 to be put in touch with a trained Crisis volunteer.
    • you might also be able to find some local support through The Survivors Trust, which is there for those who have been through sexual abuse.

    This might only be a small consolation, but I hope this community can be here for you this festive season. We're always around if you fancy a chat or to get involved with some of our games.
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,453 Championing
    I can imagine that must be very difficult indeed @HelenT2. As Ross said, we're all here for you. How are you getting on today?
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi there sorry for what you are going through, Christmas is going to be very different for all of us this year me included. I wont be celebrating with my wider family as usual it will just be me and my son . It is usually the one time of the year we all get together for a few days

    I am grateful I have my son but feel for him as it wont be the same he spends everyday with me and wont get to see his nan, aunties and uncles and cousins

    But I am thankful we have each other and have a roof over our heads and food on the table which isnt the case for many