Katye03 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
Wonder if anyone can help , My husband started work last September in a new job after being made redundant , he ended up on SSP after having a nervous breakdown , he had been working for the  new company for 4 weeks! sadly family losses and being made redundant from his previous job caused him to be very ill. My question is he hasn't heard from the company, they have carried on paying SSP since last September, however last week we were told he now has cancer and has some hard treatment ahead. What happens if the company take him to SSP 26 weeks, do they inform him to claim ESA ? or does he claim now . He won't telephone the company as the boss was horrendous to him when he took in his sicknote and made light of his depression.( they don't know he has cancer as we have only just got the results)- thank you


  • Girl_No1
    Girl_No1 Online Community Member Posts: 153 Empowering
    @Katye03 So sorry to hear about the difficulties your husband and you are experiencing, it sounds like a really difficult situation for you both.  

    Your husband can apply for ESA three months in advance of the date on which his SSP entitlement will expire.  I did not know this, and missed out on a few weeks ESA as a result.  

    Also, given your husband's diagnosis, it may be prudent to contact MacMillan Cancer Trust who have the most excellent welfare rights officers who guided my brother through the system last year when he had cancer.

    Take care, and I'm sure others will confirm, you're in the right place here on Scope for friendly and supportive advice.

  • Katye03
    Katye03 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
    Thank you for your reply, I am also disabled and get esa support CB and pip enhanced both components, we are paying full council tax and housing, i don't know what to do as he's always worked.. This Universal credit looks horrendous, we both just feel ? 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,682 Championing
    Hi @Katy_Scope - I'm very sorry to read about the problems you're both facing. You have received excellent advice above, which I'm sure you'll find helpful.
    Remember we're all here to talk any time, & offer support in whatever way we can. :)
  • cupcake88
    cupcake88 Posts: 1,412 Trailblazing
    I’m really sorry to hear this news I can’t provide any information on benefits but I just wanted to say we all hear if you need to speak and I wish you the best x 
  • Girl_No1
    Girl_No1 Online Community Member Posts: 153 Empowering
    @Katye03 It's difficult enough getting to grips with the benefit system without the additional worry around a cancer diagnosis.  Feeling heartbroken is absolutely understandable, again MacMillan have resources to help your husband (and you!) emotionally and practically as well.  

    Others on this board have pointed out at regular intervals, we tend to see a lot of *bad* news and reviews of the DWP on here but for the vast majority of people UC is probably a straightforward process.  I understand your trepidation, particularly at an already difficult time, but with the help/support of a welfare rights officer, I'm sure it won't be as bad as you fear.  :)