How do I get a girlfriend that likes me?

lewissayner Online Community Member Posts: 45 Listener
edited January 2021 in Relationships
How do I get a girlfriend that likes me


  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    Why do you think thst girls don't like you  ?  Do you have a disability and thats why you think thst  maybe you could explain a bit more 

    Other people will reply aswel 
  • lewissayner
    lewissayner Online Community Member Posts: 45 Listener
    I get picked on because of my disability and the way I work and I don’t get why people can’t get along with me 
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    Oh gosh I am sorry thst your going through this how old are you if uou don't mind me asking 

    Do you work aswel have  you spoken to anyone about the way you feel 
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    @Ross_Scope may know how to help you  better  
  • lewissayner
    lewissayner Online Community Member Posts: 45 Listener
    22 and no lost my job in the pandemic 
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,455 Championing
    I'm sorry that you get picked on @lewissayner, I can imagine that's quite hurtful. I'm also sorry to hear you lost your job during the pandemic. 

    I definitely think that it's important to be yourself when looking to get into a relationship, and to wait for someone who loves you for who you are. Are you a member of any social groups? That can be a good way to meet people, as you already have a common interest. Obviously they're all running online at the moment, but sometimes it can be nice to message someone for a bit before you meet them anyway. 
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    Ok so at the moment in lockdown have you been ok  how does your disability affect you 
  • lewissayner
    lewissayner Online Community Member Posts: 45 Listener
    It’s called autism that’s what I have. 

    @Tori_Scope I don’t think that will work at all I’ve tried it multiple times and didn’t work
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    @Tori_Scope may know a bit more than me I know its hard when you have a disability when it comes to relationships 

    Maybe you just haven't met the right girl who appreciates you ? 
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    Ok have you had a girlfriend before or a friend that is a girl 
  • lewissayner
    lewissayner Online Community Member Posts: 45 Listener
    I’ve had friends that are girls but they wanted to be friends s and didn’t want to ruin our friendship 
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    So girls do like you  and want  to be friends so that's a good thing so you need to meet someone  who wants to be in a relationship 

    Do you live at home with your parents 
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    My grandson is around the same age as you and has autism he met his girl friend on line during lockdown he has been with her six months  but hasn't met her in the flesh yet  

    Their relationship is building resly well thry speak on the phone and have face time and they both like xbox as they are both gamers so they talk  alot 

    I see that @Tori_Scope has said about online groups you said it didn't work why do you think that maybe it wasn't the right group for you I dont know if scope could  help eith what groups are available  

  • lewissayner
    lewissayner Online Community Member Posts: 45 Listener
    I do think people should be careful who they meet online as they might not be who they say they are as it’s happened to me before and would never want it to happen to you’re grandson
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    My grandson belonged to a disability friendship to relationship group all face time he talks to her on the phone aswel it was properly organised they were suposed to be meeting up Xmas but it didn't happen because of lockdown my daughter has also spoken to her parents on facetime  and on the phone so its all safe thank you for the concern though 

    Do you live with your parents or on your own 
  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    Hi @lewissayner

    Relationships can be a tricky one to navigate even for non-disabled people. But for those who are disabled there can be a whole load of anxieties that starting a new relationship can bring, such as:
    • Will they mind dating someone who has a disability?
    • How open should I be about my disability?

    For me, mark my words I'm nowhere near an expert, I'd say like the others above you need to be yourself first of all. @lisathomas50 is right that if you do have friends who are women, that shows that people do like you and enjoy spending time with you.

    Try not to overly focus on meeting people, focus on looking after yourself and being happy, then I'm sure you will meet the right someone for you.
  • lewissayner
    lewissayner Online Community Member Posts: 45 Listener
    @Ross_Scope how can I be happy when no one is giving me what I have wanted to do. I’m trying to sort my life by doing something which would make me happy and all anyone can seem to do is upset me.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 1,782 Connected
    edited January 2021
    I too have Asperger's and I've been bullied on and offline most of my life... I lost a good voluntary job nearly 4 years ago because of some idiot at work who called me a "deaf (Removed by moderator, profanity)" thinking I didn't hear him due to a dead battery in my hearing aid, I DID hear him and a week later I went in work to apologise for not being able to do an extra shift a week previous due to illness, HE was on the till and said to me "What tha' doin' ere?" and well after nearly 4 years of abuse from this guy I let him have it, verbally of course, I was heard by the staff at the shop next door and consequently reported, next thing I lost my job because the manager sided with HIM and accused me of mishearing what was said!

    Pardon? I might be deaf but contrary to popular opinion I'm not daft!

  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    @lewissayner how do people upset you  is it family  friends  what do you need to do to sort your life out maybe you can get help from scope they are pretty good at helping 

    What would you like to do with your life 

    Here to listen if you need help 
  • lewissayner
    lewissayner Online Community Member Posts: 45 Listener
    @lisathomas50 I live in my own house which is nice. My family don’t really help out much to be honest and hardly speak to me so I’ve just been focusing on myself. And I would like to give tv presenter a go I know we are in lockdown at the moment I just worry that I won’t get the chance in the future when I want to do it