Treated as less intelligent at work. Is there anything I can do?

Jadey1516 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Connected
edited May 2021 in Work

I've always been open about my Dyspraxia and never let it hold me back, including practicing constantly throughout my life so that I can write reports and other complex writing pieces as if I was neurotypical.

Unfortunately I moved to a new department at my organisation in February 2019, getting a new manager a few months after. This manager can't see me for anything other than my condition. They have mocked my intelligence to others within earshot and have offered others advancement opportunities but not myself. I have reported this to at least 8 different people in my organisation in different positions and no action has been taken; the first report within 2 months of the first occurrence. A few of these have been HR who I have literally told that I can't cope and I need to be moved as it has gone beyond repair. All they offered was a grievance, even when I explained it was years too late and I am feeling that I may need to leave the organisation to escape. 
Also one of the people I reported to, their manager, now joins in. 2 out of 7 people in our team are on long term sick, both have disabilities, another also neurodiverse.
I thrived in my old department, even winning awards for excelling in my work.

Any advice? Is there anything I can get them to do? I love the company but need to be somewhere I'm seen for the person behind the disability, as my condition is just one part of me.


  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    @Jadey1516 hi sorry you are going  through this 

    If you have a union rep they could help 

    You could  speak to accas or citizen advice for help 

    You said  you have told people about whsts happening 

    You could ask for a meeting with HR but if they do set up a meeting make sure you don't go on your own 

    The only other option would be to take them to tribunal 

    Its unfair how you are being treated and as you said you like your job so its worth trying to get something  sorted out 
  • Jadey1516
    Jadey1516 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Connected
    woodbine said:
    hi @Jadey1516 welcome to scope, hope you are ok this evening?  It's not nice whats happening and must be very annoying, to say the least, have you put your request for a move in writing to HR? Are you a member of a union if so could they help?
    Thanks woodbine. Yeah, is frustrating. Unfortunately common for disabled people to lose years in positions like this.
    I've had a few Skype calls and emails with HR but I'm wondering if there's some buzz word or specific wording I haven't said in them so far. 
  • Jadey1516
    Jadey1516 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Connected
    @Jadey1516 hi sorry you are going  through this 

    If you have a union rep they could help 

    You could  speak to accas or citizen advice for help 

    You said  you have told people about whsts happening 

    You could ask for a meeting with HR but if they do set up a meeting make sure you don't go on your own 

    The only other option would be to take them to tribunal 

    Its unfair how you are being treated and as you said you like your job so its worth trying to get something  sorted out 
    Thanks Lisa.

    I've not long joined a union so they could only give phone advice. 

    I haven't tried ACAS or CA yet though 
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    @Jadey1516 your welcome  try accas and citizen advice  did the union help at all they are normaly good 

    Dint let them force you out your job it isn't fair what they are doing  but do get more advice from the above 

    Hope you get this sorted out soon 
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 1,782 Connected
    If a company was doing this to me, I would seriously take them to the cleaners under the Equality Act 2010 via tribunal, like I should've done in April 2017 when that guy at the PDSA called me a deaf C word thinking I didn't hear him and I did.

  • Jadey1516
    Jadey1516 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Connected
    If a company was doing this to me, I would seriously take them to the cleaners under the Equality Act 2010 via tribunal, like I should've done in April 2017 when that guy at the PDSA called me a deaf C word thinking I didn't hear him and I did.

    Wow, sorry to hear that. I work with someone who has a hearing impairment and would never think of saying something like that. I think I might. I've actually caught my TL mocking me with other team members. Like calling me stupid or stuff to that effect, the usual opinion those with learning difficulties get labelled with.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 1,782 Connected
    edited January 2021
    Jadey1516 said:
    If a company was doing this to me, I would seriously take them to the cleaners under the Equality Act 2010 via tribunal, like I should've done in April 2017 when that guy at the PDSA called me a deaf C word thinking I didn't hear him and I did.

    Wow, sorry to hear that. I work with someone who has a hearing impairment and would never think of saying something like that. I think I might. I've actually caught my TL mocking me with other team members. Like calling me stupid or stuff to that effect, the usual opinion those with learning difficulties get labelled with.

    I have very mild learning disability and have been called the R word and worse online before now by Daily Mail reading [removed by moderator - language] who think all disabled people should've been discombobulated at birth.

    Apologies in advance to the Mods for the above.

  • Tammyjane33
    Tammyjane33 Online Community Member Posts: 755 Pioneering
    @Jadey1516 I'm so sorry to hear this is happening to you, I had a similar case that happened to me but that was when I was young and I was undiagnosed (physical illness) I was treated very badly and this knocked my confidence, because of how naive and timid I was I just gave up and left but now if that happened I'd go through the right channels (Complaint procedures) and see what can be done. Just because you have a disability it doesn't mean people can treat you or anyone in a poor, disgusting manner. I wish I could suggest more to help. If you ever need to talk just message me.
    Take care, 
  • Awesomelorenzo
    Awesomelorenzo Online Community Member Posts: 114 Connected
    edited March 2021
    Happened to me too. Exact same disability.
    Mocked because I miss the cardboard cage, patronised about getting distracted. I'm leaving in 2 months anyway.
  • Quinty
    Quinty Online Community Member Posts: 47 Contributor
    I went through this over many years of manic depression. I lost all my confidence. There are Dissability Laws that are there to protect you from bullying. Thats what it amounts to. Its very hard going to confront this behaviour. Do you have a good HR person? There should be education in the workplace so that this never happens. It really is ignorance. Find the courage to complain.