What happens during an employment review, and do I need any information to hand?

happyfella Online Community Member Posts: 519 Empowering
edited February 2021 in Universal Credit (UC)
Hi, i have been told that i have an employment review tomorrow. It says to see what i am doing to increase my earnings. I would like to know if anyone has had this before and what questions they ask.

I am not great over the phone so I am worried and would like to have everything prepared first. I am confused about the Interview. We are on UC temporary while my wife is off work due to COVID. Her doctor has told her she is not allowed back to work until she has had the vaccine due to her health. Once she returns back to work then we will be off UC. I am on pip and unable to work as they have been told many times. Some days i cannot move due to all the pain.

So, i am just wondering what happens in one of these reviews over the phone and should i have any information at hand


  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    edited January 2021
    When you claimed UC did you declare your health condition and provide a Fit Note? If you did not do this you need to do that now.

    By default on UC you are expected to be a jobseeker but if you have a health condition the work coach should modify the requirement and if Fit Notes have been provided a Work Capability Assessment should be triggered after 28 days (or day 1 for some health conditions).

    Are you getting Daily Living PIP? If so, when claiming UC, did your wife declare that she looks after you. As a carer she would be entitled to the carer element in the UC entitlement and will not be expected to work search.
  • happyfella
    happyfella Online Community Member Posts: 519 Empowering
    Hi. I have told them plenty of times already that i am unable to work. It does say on the online platform about a fit note, but i have never supplied one. I have not been able to work for many years and never needed a fit note before because i refused to claim benefits. My wife works and i did not want to go down the route of claiming benefits even though i was entitled. sorry but i am old fashioned. UC was meant to be a short term thing but it is taking longer and longer for my wife to get the vaccine. Once she has the vaccine then we can come off UC.

    I get the high rate for both living and mobility. My wife did not know she had to delcate that she looks after me. However, when we found out that she should do this, we then notified them and she received a phone call to ask why she has not notified them before. She explained because no one advised us, and now she received the carer element, but they said it would not be back dated. My wife reduced hours at work to look after me, and my daughter also looks after me.

    She will be returning back to work once she has the vaccine and then we can come off UC. The work coach has been advised of my situation many times over the phone. But maybe it is because i have not provided a sicknote which is my fault. But, i am not going to hassle my doctors for a sicknote during the covid madness when they have better things to do. I have been told by my doctors that i am not allowed to work for a number of years. Its a long story, but due to my health i am unable to and i am seeing a counsillor at the moment because i am still frustrated that i am not allowed to work

    So, i am just wondering how long this interview takes and if i need to get anything ready for them
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    They I’ll not progress a Work CapabilityAssessment without a Fit Note. Regardless of your motivation you are potentially making things difficult for yourself by not obtaining one.

    They will ask you what you are doing to find work. All you can do is tell them again about your limitations. Have you agreed a Claimant Commitment and if so what does it say about looking for work? If you do not maintain what was agreed in your Commitment they can apply a sanction and suspend payment.
  • happyfella
    happyfella Online Community Member Posts: 519 Empowering
    I have never filled in the committment section. We only went on UC because my wife was advised to do so due to her being on SSP. She is on SSP until she has the vaccine. I am only on the UC claim because we are husband and wife. When she was working I did not claim anything, I am too proud to claim anything. I know it sounds daft and i have had lots of people tell me so, but it was the way I was brought up. I cannot wait until we come off UC
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    In hat case your call tomorrow may be to discuss your commitment. It is a requirement for UC claimants to complete a commitment in order for UC to be paid. I completely understand your point of view but if you need the money then you need to do what is asked of you.
  • happyfella
    happyfella Online Community Member Posts: 519 Empowering
    how long will the telephone call take, i am not great over the phone
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    No fixed time. Depends on the discussion.
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    edited January 2021
    As regards coming off UC when your wife returns to work. If you had a Work Capability Assessment and were found to have LCWRA, if you are a couple with no one living with you, no children, you are not claiming help with rent and your wife’s earnings are your only income then your UC entitlement will only reduce to nil if your wife earns more than £1963/month. The PIP income is ignored.
  • happyfella
    happyfella Online Community Member Posts: 519 Empowering
    calcotti said:
    As regards coming off UC when your wife returns to work. If you had a Work Capability Assessment and were found to have LCWRA, if you are a couple with no one living with you, no children, you are not claiming help with rent and your wife’s earnings are your only income then your UC entitlement will only reduce to nil if your wife earns more than £1963/month. The PIP income is ignored.

    I have my daughter who lives with us who works. But, once my wife returns to work I will be informing UC to close our case as we no longer want it.