Remote control for starting your computer from power off

8cent8 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
edited February 2021 in Coffee lounge

Has your PC ever crashed and you can't reach the reset or power off button?

There's a gadget that you can fit onto your PC, this gadget has a remote control button that allow you to switch your PC On/off or restart from up to 20 metres away.

Where to buy this gadget: [Removed by moderator - advertising link]

There are phone apps that can wake your PC or iOS device 'on-Lan'. The problem with this type of app is that once your computer turns off then you can't turn back on. You can only turn your computer on if it's set in a 'sleep' mode as opposed to being switched off.

Do you know of any gadgets that are available for under £27.72 that can do a similar job?

The video below is for the USB version, the PCIe version that I refer to is easier to install and the cost is similar.

[Removed by moderator - advertising link]


  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,454 Championing
    Hi again @8cent8 :) I commented on another thread of yours, but this is another reminder to please refrain from posting links advertising a products, as this breaks our community guidelines. It's fine to discuss useful tools and pieces of technology, but we don't allow advertisements.  
  • 8cent8
    8cent8 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
    Hi Tori_Scope,

    I am an independent living consultant, I also specialise in the area of Assistive Technology.

    I'm sorry but I cannot give your forum users life-changing and very affordable solutions that address their environmental control needs.

    I don't see the point of giving people advice on products that they will find near impossible to find.


  • Cress
    Cress Online Community Member Posts: 1,005 Trailblazing
    8cent8 said:
    Hi Tori_Scope,

    I don't see the point of giving people advice on products that they will find near impossible to find.


    Ain't that the truth....I have 4 remotes just for tv and will they stay where I can find them? Course not!
    I fear the same fate will befall (is that even a word?)
    Your life changing products...

  • Cress
    Cress Online Community Member Posts: 1,005 Trailblazing
    That's a shame @woodbine
    I was going to try a d interest you in a stick with a rubber knob on the end for a mere £5.99 plus p and p of only £35.50...
  • Cress
    Cress Online Community Member Posts: 1,005 Trailblazing
    You ve had it now!
    Instant ban. Lol
    I mentioned the knob word, but I think I got away with it...
  • BrettW
    BrettW Online Community Member Posts: 697 Empowering
    Simple solution is have your computer set up within reach of where you are sitting. Either on your desk or on the floor right next to you. Both solutions cost you nothing.