Has anyone asked their GP which group they're in for the vaccine?



  • deb74
    deb74 Community member Posts: 814 Pioneering
    I have ME and although MS fits into group 6 ME doesn't. No-one knows why including the ME association!  The ME association and other charities have written to Matt Hancock and he has just passed the buck and says he has nothing to do with it. I guess I will just have to wait and see what happens. If it does get included I will get my vaccine sometime this month but if not I will probably have to wait another couple of months. The priority list is so confusing!
  • Swatteam
    Swatteam Community member Posts: 175 Empowering
    @deb74 hi deb74, hopefully you will get it pretty quick I was surprised on how many people have had there 1st vaccine. Over 20 million people upto now. Sorry I can't help you .
  • Richard_Scope
    Richard_Scope Posts: 3,638 Cerebral Palsy Network
    I am in group 6 due to my cerebral palsy. I had my vaccine last week, after calling my G.P. as a friendly reminder.

    The priority list is now more specific. For example, I have CP which puts me in group 6, if another person with CP has other mitigating factors such as; from the BAME community, diabetes, high BMI or have a postcode from an economically deprived area, they would be vaccinated before me.
  • Swatteam
    Swatteam Community member Posts: 175 Empowering
    @Richard_Scope Thank you. 
  • deb74
    deb74 Community member Posts: 814 Pioneering
    I got a phone call from my doctor a couple of days ago and he has booked mine for next Thursday.
  • Swatteam
    Swatteam Community member Posts: 175 Empowering
    @deb74 very good news
  • deb74
    deb74 Community member Posts: 814 Pioneering
    My doctor must have thought I was vulnerable enough to put me into group 6!
  • Swatteam
    Swatteam Community member Posts: 175 Empowering
    @deb74 you are lucky not many people get an invite personally 
  • deb74
    deb74 Community member Posts: 814 Pioneering
    Hi @Swatteam. Everyone I know who has had the jab has been phoned by there doctors surgery. It could be because we live in a small town in Wales though. Also my doctors is in a village 20 minutes drive from where I live.
  • Swatteam
    Swatteam Community member Posts: 175 Empowering
    @deb74 probably , everyone I know has had a phone call from gp. I didn't although I've had my first vaccine I got a letter off NHS with an invite after I had it  for being a carer .
  • MarkM88
    MarkM88 Community member Posts: 3,121 Connected
    I got my invite from the GP surgery on a Saturday afternoon booking me in for the first and second dose. No subsequent letters. 
  • Swatteam
    Swatteam Community member Posts: 175 Empowering
    @MarkN88 must just be different for all areas.  Or it could just be me