Morning, how's your day going so far?



  • Amberpearl
    Amberpearl Online Community Member Posts: 1,962 Championing
    Morning all

    Rained overnight 
    Sunny now 
    My day too is always the same 
    Look. After cats  then rest up with tv

    Was up again last night 
  • bg844
    bg844 Online Community Member Posts: 3,883 Championing
    Raining quite heavy now although according to BBC Weather it's meant to be dry so might just be a shower.
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,640 Championing
    Hi @19steven68 have you spoke to your gp about your agoraphobia?  I've put a link below to the NHS

    Might be worth looking at.  In the mean time there's always someone on here to natter to break your day up.
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    morning guys, unfortunately my day is just like any other (ground hog day) i just sit here bored senseless until i go to bed later...i'm agoraphobic and have not gone out other than for gp appointments since 2007...i am not living just simply existing
    Sorry to hear that

    I know how you feel although not nearly as bad for me as I can go out with help

    But I get bored if no one wants to go out for 2 days, can't imagine doing it for 15 years

    I am guessing the mental health services are of no use?
  • 19steven68
    19steven68 Online Community Member Posts: 17 Connected
    Thank you for the link and yes i have many times discussed my condition with my gp and we both came to same conclusion is what it is  After being threatened my a man with a knife when i answered a knock at my door i have not been out and have since been diagnosed with social anxiety as well as depression. Unfortunately there's no help for me so i just try deal with it best i can. 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Good morning everyone cant believe how time flues it's tobys 16th birthday today where have those years gone 

    @Sandy_123 I just got normal scales I can stand on one leg and hold on to sink to get weighed.  What a mess around you are having I'm still no further on about my appt.

    Have good day everyone 
  • Teigr
    Teigr Online Community Member Posts: 4,825 Championing
    I'm exhausted,the dog ran away on our walk this morning,I spent over an hour searching for her before my partner's mother phoned to say she was at her place on the other side of town.
  • bg844
    bg844 Online Community Member Posts: 3,883 Championing
    Hope he has a great day @janer1967
    Has he got anything special planned?
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    @bg844 nothing today as school day we celebrating on Saturday 
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,640 Championing
    @janer1967 it is a nightmare chasing things up. My grandkids go back tomorrow, all excited. Grandaughters 1st day at nursery. 
    @Teigr that was lucky must of known the route. 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    @Sandy_123 bless them you will miss having them around now they going back or will you enjoy the peace 
  • Amberpearl
    Amberpearl Online Community Member Posts: 1,962 Championing
    Just rained for 5 min then stopped 
    Has anyone had the 2nd cost of living payment yet?  I. Haven't 
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Online Community Member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    Good Afternoon All - Post card from Weston super mare.
    A good storm last night really heavy rain it was great watching the lightening over the sea.
    Went to see a new art instullation being built on the sea front - an old retired north sea oil rig being turned into an art piece it's called the Sea Monster it is stunning so far - it will be finished at the end of the month and is permanent wel worth seeing for us any way.
    One small shower so far this morning, sunshine and cloud so far, still in our t/shirts.

    Hope every one is well xxx
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,640 Championing
    edited September 2022
    I will miss my grandaughter as I had her here alot, when other two was  at school. They've popped in to show me their hair cuts ready for tomorrow. But I will also love the peace

    Looks like your having a good time @SueHeath, storm over the sea would of been a good sight.

    @Amberpearl it's in autumn.
  • Amberpearl
    Amberpearl Online Community Member Posts: 1,962 Championing
    My cat Oscar  the kne with cancer, is looking frail.  I'm. Feeding him around the clock. Soon as I feed him he poops it out.  Its so. Sad and heartbreaking.  I've only just lost pippa.  My cats are old I. Know, but there all I have and I'm. Losing them. All. It's upsetting
    Oscars had 12 poops today 

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,640 Championing
    It is sad @Amberpearl but like you say he is old and poorly. You've given him his best life, he couldn't of had a better life, but its his time to be set free, as hard as that is for you.
  • Amberpearl
    Amberpearl Online Community Member Posts: 1,962 Championing
    Oscar is 12 and half 
    I bred him and hand reared him too
    It's so sad 
    Why do. Cats get cancer 
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,640 Championing
    Morning all, battling my spine pain, with hip and thigh, trying hard not to cancel the castle trip on Saturday, using heat and brufen gel. I think only other  way to go if I can't get it right, is to use a wheelchair.  Which castles are not wheelchair friendly.  No point seeing a Dr, will just throw painkillers at me. I'm on about 40% mobility at moment. 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Sorry to hear that @Sandy_123 and hope yiy don't have to cancel 

    Would it be better to reschedule to later date as you dont want pain to spoil your visit 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Good morning 

    Had a lay in after eventful night police knocking at door as neighbours had a massive row and someone had reported disturbance . I don't report it as it happens all the time 
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