How long until I receive PIP decision?

Nicky73 Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener
edited February 2021 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Hi all, I applied for PIP last October 2020, I finally had my assessment on February 4th 2021 dwp received my report back and I got a text message on the February 7th 2021 to say they got it. What happens now and how much longer until I find out if I got awarded
Thank you 


  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi and welcome 

    It can take a while to get a decision it will now be with a decision maker and you will get a letter informing you of the outcome could take up to 8 weeks 

    You can ring and request a copy of the assessors report it isnt the final decision but you can add up the points to see what has been recommended 

    In most cases they go with the report 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,682 Championing
    Hi @Nicky73 - & welcome to the community. You can ring the PIP enquiry line (Tel: 0800 121 4433) & ask for a copy of the assessor's report to be posted to you. This will give an indication of any points that may be awarded for the 2 components of PIP. You will still have to wait for your decision letter, which may take several weeks, but the decision maker usually goes along with the assessor's report. Hope this helps. :)
  • Haylo6891
    Haylo6891 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    I had my assessment on the 14th Dec and still waiting on a decision. X
  • Jackspps
    Jackspps Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    Once the DM has received the report can they request further information from your GP? I thought once DWP received they then had to make a decision based on the assessment? 
  • cupcake88
    cupcake88 Posts: 1,412 Trailblazing
    You will often find you get your money before you get your decision if you have been awarded it . I got my money before I got my decision so check your bank account hope this helps . 
  • wilko
    wilko Online Community Member Posts: 2,438 Championing
    @Nicky73, hello, once a week has elapsed since your either phone or face to face assessment you can contact DWP and request a copy of your assessment report and on receiving it you can work out what your award may should be but you still have to wait for the award notification letter, I’ve had mine received the text stating they where making a decision but having read my assessment report I know what my award should be but I have prepared a statement for an MR.
  • Jackspps
    Jackspps Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    Thank you all for your responses! I was on hold for 48mins this morning finally got through and have requested a copy of the assessment report. Now have to play the waiting game for 7_10 days and up to 6 weeks for a decision. Can I ask what MR is? 
  • lisalocket43
    lisalocket43 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
    I unfortunately failed mine, 6 points dl and 4 mobility but awarded no points for my severe anxiety and depression episodes, I felt that because I work part time this was the reason ( they don’t understand anxiety and depression and I have suffered 13 years and I feel I’m getting worse, anyway I sent a mr which is a letter to ask them to reconsider there decision, my claim was made in September I had a assessment in November received my award letter December I sent my MR 5th January and I rang 2 weeks ago and they only just put the letter in the system and I was told you to 10 weeks, I feel that they won’t change in my favour and I feel that I’m being discriminated because I try to work a couple hrs a week, luckily I have a great boss and amazing family, is there anyone on here who would know if my chances of being awarded are any good ????Tia oh I’m new on here sorry for the rambling I can’t help it xx
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    edited February 2021
  • chelss
    chelss Online Community Member Posts: 20 Listener
    Hi iv sent a claim for pip and had a telephone Assesment on 11th of this month I have always been in receipt of uc and had the benefit cap however this month they haven’t deducted the benefit cap when iv checked my statement I’m a little confused 
  • MarkM88
    MarkM88 Online Community Member Posts: 3,119 Connected
    chelss said:
    Hi iv sent a claim for pip and had a telephone Assesment on 11th of this month I have always been in receipt of uc and had the benefit cap however this month they haven’t deducted the benefit cap when iv checked my statement I’m a little confused 
    You have had a response on your thread. 
  • janwyn
    janwyn Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    edited August 2021
    Hi I applied for pip 12weeks ago on June 1st ....had a text message on july 1st to say they had recieved it and I would be getting a telephone assesment. My doctors printed nearly 400 pages of my health history and that went up on the 17th June. Now nearly into september and still no contact to say when it will be....I am anxious and depressed and this waiting is making my health worse than it already was. Can I ring them and see what's happening....I
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,166 Championing
    janwyn said:
    Hi I applied for pip 12weeks ago on June 1st ....had a text message on july 1st to say they had recieved it and I would be getting a telephone assesment. My doctors printed nearly 400 pages of my health history and that went up on the 17th June. Now nearly into september and still no contact to say when it will be....I am anxious and depressed and this waiting is making my health worse than it already was. Can I ring them and see what's happening....I


    Wow 400 pages is an awful lot to send and i'd be very surprised if they read all of that. I would have gone through all of that and only sent what's relevant.
    There's huge backlogs at the moment and DWP are estimating a 10 month timescale from start to finish so you've really only just began your wait. Some people applied at the end of last year and are still waiting.
  • KayleighRose
    KayleighRose Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Hi Nicky, I had my PIP assessment 4 weeks ago and found out this week about my decision. I was told 8 weeks but I got the result in 4 :)
  • Emma1968
    Emma1968 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Listener
    Mine 5  weeks since  my   assenent   still.waiting for answer   I'm.hoping  it's taking this long   going award  to me 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,166 Championing
    The length of time it takes to make a decision has nothing to do with whether you're successful or not. There's backlogs for all areas.
  • Haylo6891
    Haylo6891 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    edited August 2021
    I applied August 2020 and had a assessment Dec 2020 - got my desicion April 2021.

    It took a while to come through but it did. I kept ringing to speed it up. 
  • wilber2505
    wilber2505 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    Thank you all for your replies , I was awarded standard daily care and standard mobility. I put in a mandatorily reconsideration and the increased the daily care to the enhanced rate. I am currently taking it to tribunal on the mobility as I had scored 10 points and it should have been higher. I had a phone call from DWP this morning asking more questions
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,453 Championing
    Have you been able to access some support from a representative to help you with your tribunal @wilber2505
  • Sammy_1994
    Sammy_1994 Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener
    Ring them and badger em