Hi, my name is mxmxm! I'm feeling quite isolated by pain and lack of mobility

mxmxm Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
Hello. Thank you for accepting me. Am feeling quite isolated by pain and lack of mobility. Fibromyalgia, sciatica, chronic fatigue and recently diagnosed coeliac disease. 

Now, with only my second MRI scan in 20 years, there is cervical stenosis but I am being sent back to neurologist before being told anything else about it. I recognise the description when I looked it up; think it may be in lumbar region too (but they would only agreed to scan for neck so need to confirm). 

No painkiller touches the pain involved and indeed my stomach cannot tolerate them; nor my nerves for some medications tried since fibromyalgia diagnosis in 2001. For decades I have been told that it was not physical pain but my responses to whatever stresses happen to be in my life at the time. At times I was told I wasn’t trying enough - and most recently that it was functional and sporadic - but there are no gaps between flares or episodes or crises. 

I was made redundant due to capability last year after having collapsed at work the previous year and signed off. I was then and am still depressed. A recent bereavement of a close family member from a particularly sudden and aggressive cancer has hit me very hard too. I get much more anxious than I ever was and cannot take things in as I am always in pain - and lately, I have acknowledged the utter isolation of pain.  

Can’t really use hands for this long without pain or get sentences right so needed to get this all down. Will be mostly reading posts from now on. I just wanted to say: thank you - good to be here. Having lived with chronic pain for many years, I want to learn as much as I can about how to deal with what comes next.  Keep safe, mxmxm


  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi and welcome 

    Sorry to hear about your pain and conditions and hope you get some treatment which helps 

    Feel free to join in if and when you can or like you suggest just look around 
  • mxmxm
    mxmxm Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Thank you ? 
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,454 Championing
    Welcome to the community @mxmxm :) You're absolutely welcome to 'lurk' and read the posts that interest you. Of course, you're always welcome to get involved in discussions too. 

    I've moved your post into our category for discussions on dealing with chronic pain, so anyone in a similar position can find your post more easily. I also changed the title of your post slightly.

    I hope you get some answers when you speak to the neurologist. 

    Are you currently receiving any support for your mental health? Have you spoken to anyone about your grief? I know that these can both be very difficult things to talk about, so I appreciate you being so open and honest with us here. 
  • mxmxm
    mxmxm Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Thank you! I have some support for my mental health and grief. Covid has complicated matters. Have just had the vaccine and hoping to be able to see family members other than my husband (lovely as he is) as soon as it is safe.