What's for tea tonight!



  • Geegeenumber1
    Geegeenumber1 Community member Posts: 1,067 Empowering
    Yeah I'm gonna use up what I've got new pots leftover veg etc and add a Yorkshire pud. Haha
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Lovely, I hope you enjoy it @Geegeenumber1 :)
  • Geegeenumber1
    Geegeenumber1 Community member Posts: 1,067 Empowering
    thank you very much, got a feeling they'll still be loads left, might take it to work as a kind of soup for tomorrow though not sure reheating it multiple times is that good lol

  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,924 Championing
    That sounds like a lovely idea @Geegeenumber1. A nice warm and refreshing meal  :)
  • Geegeenumber1
    Geegeenumber1 Community member Posts: 1,067 Empowering
    it was lovely didnt need a yorkshire - forgot about it and got loads left. the joint of lamb was expensive as lamb always is but it was boneless and if you are sensible and cut it in bits and freeze it rather than cook the lot which i did it can last for so many meals especially now i eat so much less so it actually works out so much cheaper. my goal now is to start really cutting back on waste and making the most of all leftovers and freezing food in portions rather than cooking big joints etc all at once - end up wasting so much good food just caus cant be bothered to cut first and freeze into portions - can only manage half portions now
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,050 Championing
    Except a roast I only usually cook 500g of meat a dish  which lasts 2 days easy and feeds 2 well. 

    Any news on your date @Geegeenumber1
  • Geegeenumber1
    Geegeenumber1 Community member Posts: 1,067 Empowering
    yes 500g is a good amount to cook. its only ever me and mum, sometimes only me but i often like to cook for a few days. I hate waste and want to cut right back on that. I love the flavour of food a few days after so dont mind that but hate it when cant finish it all that throw it out. Its OK when mum eats up what I cant! i just get lazy about things like cutting up salmon steaks and steaks etc now ive had surgery - its easier just to give mum half or whatever when shes round...i used to have two at a time to myself!

    I should start buying like sides of salmon and cutting them in small pieces and freezing would be more economomical - will work my freezer down and do that i think 

    im def addicted to shopping now im finally able to shop and cook again but why not i guess ha ha

    dates not happening - i did say on here but not sure if it got overlooked - he said he was too busy to meet in person though it was a nice idea *just like that! and would prefer to meet by zoom

    bloody men !

    I wont chase him

    Il invite him to my housewarming along with others when i finish my studies but apart from handing my work in he wont be hearing from me

    im looking into adoption one day...maybe... though not ready yet. It is less urgent than deciding if want children 

    i think relationships are for other people 

  • Geegeenumber1
    Geegeenumber1 Community member Posts: 1,067 Empowering
    he also said i was so sweet and thanks for the gift but he could accept it til after he had marked my work

    tbf i think he is concerned about his position as he is still my tutor technically and he cant be seen to favouritise me - so we will see if things change when he is no longer in that position but i learned long ago not to chase anyone been there done that!! Shame tho !
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Community member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    Not feeling much like cooking today - only just had my cereal - so i think we will have sausage,egg and chips or wedges to night x
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Meatballs in spicy tomato sauce with mixed pepper rice 
  • Nicetomeetyou22
    Nicetomeetyou22 Community member Posts: 1,880 Empowering
    My hubby if he not careful ☺️😜
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Community member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    Ha ha now now @Nicetomeetyou22 be nice to Hubby you need him sometimes ha ha xxx
  • Teigr
    Teigr Community member Posts: 4,399 Championing
    Stuffed baked potatoes and coleslaw.
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,050 Championing
    @Geegeenumber1 maybe he's not got the confidence

    Had pasty and chips, bought gregs steak bakes from Iceland vegan ones, I can't tell any difference.
  • Geegeenumber1
    Geegeenumber1 Community member Posts: 1,067 Empowering
    yes maybe!

    I hope there is still hope

    mums come round we are eating late tonight as we need bread etc so waiting for an amazon delivery, gonna make hotdogs onions etc tonight got crisps to go on with and beer !

    Got lots of work to do tonight before a meeting in the morning, sooooo tired

    wasted so much time with reporting the car stuff etc with the police, damn scumbags who vandalised car

    looking forward to weekedn getting my teeth done
  • Geegeenumber1
    Geegeenumber1 Community member Posts: 1,067 Empowering
    Yes I will thank you - I will leave it for now !!! I am glad I have all your support !
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,050 Championing
    You are busy @Geegeenumber1, hope the car gets sorted soon.  Good luck with your meeting tomorrow, if it was meant to be it will happen, if not you've lost nothing 
  • Geegeenumber1
    Geegeenumber1 Community member Posts: 1,067 Empowering
    yes you are right i am only glad that i dont get so deep down depressed like i used to when i was younger - i dont cry anymore which isnt great but i would have been so down in the past over any kind of perceived loss or rejection now it is annoying but its hardly the end of the world

    even with the car - its a bloody pain - but there is far too much good going on to be down

    life is too short

    besides if he doesnt want me its his loss ha ha
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,050 Championing
    Oh defo his loss
  • Karen7788
    Karen7788 Scope Member Posts: 596 Empowering
    Jacket potatoes, gammon and salad for us