Research on transport accessibility - £60 paid

lynnechapman Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited March 2021 in People power
Project on transport accessibility issues, for people with visible and invisible disabilities. The interview will be talking about your experiences of using transport; they understand that this is likely to be pre-pandemic/pre-lockdown experiences.

The project is for people who live in England or Scotland.

The methods of transport being researched are rail, bus and road users

This project is being run by Transport Focus, the consumer watchdog for the transport industry.  

Transport Focus is the consumer champion for most modes of transport in Britain - working with operators, regulators and others to get the best deals, policies, etc. for rail, bus, tram and road users.  

TF would like to interview some people with visible and invisible disabilities about their experiences of transport and accessibility.  TF will be holding a virtual event about this topic, and clips from the video interviews may be used during this event, so anyone selected to participate must be willing to consent to being recorded and, potentially, snippets of footage being shown at the event (involving internal and external stakeholders).

The research consists of a 45 minute online interview some time in the week commencing Monday April 5th.

The thank you for participation is £60.

These are the sorts of topics selected people would be discussing:

● Have you been making journeys by bus, train and car during the pandemic and if so, how have you found the experience (e.g. have you felt anxious/what are your views on face covering compliance etc)?

●  If you’ve been avoiding making journeys, why? Do you think you’ll return post-pandemic?

● Generally, how important is transport to you in everyday life (e.g. do you rely on it for work?) Has the lack of accessible transport ever limited your opportunities?

● What could transport operators do to make your journey better/reassure you?

Date:                                                  Some time in the week commencing Monday April 5th                                   

Time:                                                  any time between 9.00 am and 8.00 pm

Length:                                              45 minutes

Venue:                                               Online (Zoom)

Thank you                                         £60 (paid by BACS)


●    People who have a disability, either visible or invisible

●    People who live in either England or Scotland

●    Have either a laptop, PC/desktop or tablet on which to do the interview (not suitable to be done on a phone)

●    Use one or more of these types of transport (under normal conditions, so can be pre-pandemic):
       bus / train/ road (motorways and/or major A roads)

●    Happy to have clips of their interview used for the event that Tranpsort Focus is running

(Removed by moderator, pending review)


  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    Hello @lynnechapman

    Welcome to the community and thanks for sharing this opportunity.

    Before we allow this on the community, would you please drop us an email to to let us know what data / information you will need to collect from anybody taking part, and how you will store and manage that data and the responses.
  • jonf
    jonf Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener

    there is no public transport or footpaths where I live.