Hi, my name is Meghan!

meghanhall Community member Posts: 1 Listener
I have Fibromyalgia, hypermobility syndrome and intercranial hypertension. I’m also a psychology student who loves animals and is constantly drinking tea! I’ve been looking for a group to join to feel supported with people who go through similar stuff. And I saw this advertised on Facebook and thought it’d be great to choice and be part of this community! (Feel free to follow me on Instagram if you want, at @meghanlouisehall where I talk about my chronic illness, mental health, body positivity and life in general)


  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi and welcome on board 

    I too found the forum through fb and have been here 2 years now 

    Feel free to join in or ask any questions general discussion is usually in the coffee lounge 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,381 Championing
    Hi @meghanhall - & welcome to this friendly & supportive community, Meghan. We have a lot of people here with Fibromyalgia, & I have some similarities with yourself. I have the hypermobile type of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, & there are quite a few of us here with that too. So, I do sympathise, but you're in great company!
    Are you enjoying your psychology course? I find it a very interesting subject. Well anyway, I'm pleased you've found us, & I hope you enjoy being part of the community. :)
  • megs2019
    megs2019 Community member Posts: 40 Connected
    Hi @meghanhall
    welcome and how are you 
  • Queenofdisabilities
    Queenofdisabilities Community member Posts: 91 Connected
    Welcome to our community 
    Hope you are ok?
    I also have Fibro,myalgiia,Myalgic Encepalitis.
    Chroinic Fatigue Syndrome.
    Carpal Tunnel,Osteoarthritis.
    Deoression & Anxiety,Ptsd & a
    Major Depressive illness.
    I can really empathise with you having Fibromyalgia.
    You're definitely in the right place here.

  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    Hello @meghanhall

    Welcome to the community, glad you found us. 

    What is your favoured brand of tea? :)