kes2611 Community member Posts: 124 Contributor
Have still not heard bout my pip but get letter yesterdsy saying they had all the evidence they needed n wld b in touch when decision made,letter was dated a week ago. If i do not get my pip n decide to do a MR does my pip continue to b payed cause it was extended to august.


  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    edited March 2021
    Once a decision is made, whatever that decision is, it replaces your existing award. If you MR the new decision any ongoing payment will be that due based on the latest decision. So if you are refused an award you would receive nothing during the MR/appeal process.
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,649 Online Community Programme Lead
    Sorry you're still waiting @kes2611, I know how stressful it can be. It'll possibly be another couple of weeks at least.
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi there 

    Once a decision is made that is the award you will be paid regardless of the extension 

    So your payments will stop if you are not awarded if you are awarded you will be paid at the rate you have been awarded in the award letter 
  • kes2611
    kes2611 Community member Posts: 124 Contributor
    Am confused csuse some people say on here if u do a MR then ur payments keep goin till a decision is made at MR. My pip was due for renewal in nov but was extended till august.
  • kes2611
    kes2611 Community member Posts: 124 Contributor
    edited March 2021
    Yes have seen report n it was load of rubbish. Hsve rung pip n they said i shd hear somethin in next 2 weeks but if i loose it n do an MR will imy pip contine till the MR decision cause my  pip was extended to august cause of covid
  • cupcake88
    cupcake88 Posts: 1,312 Trailblazing
    @kes2611 as what I have read from posts on here as soo as they made there decision  your award will be lowered , stoped or stay depending on the decision that’s as soon as they have made there decision I think pip is paid in arrears so I’m not sure if you will get one last payment if it’s decided your pip is cancelled but I no that once they make there decision payments stop . 

    Even tho your award was extended you can still get your review unfortunately so because you have had your review they will take this decision in account , some one might be able to confirm if you might get one last payment . But the fact that it was extended doesn’t matter I’m afraid . I really hope you get your pip If not do a MR I wish you all the best keep us updated 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    If you are given an award and you are doing mr for a higher award then yes your payments will continue until decision for mr is complete 

    Whatever the decision is from your review is what you will be paid from date decision is made so if the decision is same as you currently get you will get same as now , if decision is higher award than you have now you will get increased amount 

    If decision is less than you have now then you will get reduced amount 

    If decision is no award payments will stop 
  • wilko
    wilko Community member Posts: 2,439 Championing
    @kes2611, my PIP was due to end April 2021 I lodged a change of circumstances in September 2020 had my PIP award extended till January 2022 while my change of circumstances was being uploaded onto DWP system. I had phone assessment early January 2021 requested my assessment report shortly afterwards, started to prepare my MR as the expected award was the same as before. Received my official award notification letter early March 2021 sent off my MR and received my enhanced daily living and original enhanced mobility today with a nice back payment into my bank account. 
  • kes2611
    kes2611 Community member Posts: 124 Contributor
    Just to let people know i lost my pip,i knew i wld it said i was better thsn b4 n did not meet criteria.( ie still breathing!! ) i not gonna appeal n gonna apply for UC n get the disability add on cause i get ESA in come based n in support group.
  • kes2611
    kes2611 Community member Posts: 124 Contributor
    Am not going to appeal my pip,it not worth it.I have no new evidence n they wont change there minds.can hardly walk due to my slipped disc but they dont seem bothered.I also spend days in bed n dont wash etc n my friend has to come n help me do stuff but they dont care.
  • cupcake88
    cupcake88 Posts: 1,312 Trailblazing
    I’m so sorry to hear was you getting pip before was it a review I would do the MR and appeal try not to give up I know it’s a long stressful process but think of all the back pay . You deserve pip and should get it I think you should do a MR . I don’t think it matters bout edvidence as such . Your friend who helps you can write a letter bout how your disability affects you that counts as edvidence I know it’s disheartening but there have been so many people on here who have done a mr or a appeal and won xx
  • kes2611
    kes2611 Community member Posts: 124 Contributor
    Yea i mite.I cld get her to write a letter sayin how she helps me.
  • kes2611
    kes2611 Community member Posts: 124 Contributor
    Hi all. So i lost my pip (what a surprise) i was wondering my bck is getting worse every day n now use a walker when out as i cant walk far at all now.Have also done somethin to my foot n it really painful when i walk n hurts all the time.My MH  n depression is v bad n have gone back to self harming.Can i do a new claim or change of circumstances.If i do an MR i have no new medical evidence.I stay in bed for days n dont eat n just want to end it all. 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing

    If you do an mr they inly look at your condition at the time of the renewal and not how it is now as that is the decision you are asking them to look at

    You can do new claim but a new claim only takes into account any conditions that have been there at least 3 months and likely to last at least another 9 months 

    A new claim done the same as before is likely to have same outcome.  I suggest you get some expert advice from welfare rights before doing anything 
  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    I have sent you an email from the usual email address @kes2611, it would be great if you could give it a read :)