Any ideas on what might help?

Andyy Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener

Hi. I was wondering if anyone with similar issues to mine might have any insight to offer on what helped them. I suffer with OCD, generalised anxiety, panic disorder and borderline personality disorder. It’s also possible that might have ADHD and/or ASD (obviously these issues are different, but the tendencies and thought patterns associated with each might offer some insight on my brain and how I approach certain things). Day to day, I struggle with a few main thing. One of these is coping with extreme, short lived mood swings. I go from totally fine, to feeling severely low, and back the other way to hyperactive and excitable, within a half hour. This series of events plays on repeat constantly. My obsessions (intrusive thoughts) and compulsions (rituals) are also worsening, more so for the intrusive thoughts. I also struggle with dissociation, and this combined with the obsessions means I lose hours on end to horrible images that play on repeat in my head, often without realising what’s happening. I’m also constantly anxious, and my memory and concentration are horrendous- to the extent where I’ll forget what day it is, or I’ll feel like I’m taking something in, and when I try to recall what is was seconds later, I don’t know.

I don’t really want to fall into venting too much right now, so I’ll bring it back round to my initial query. I guess I’m concerned that my mental health is worsening, and the support I’m currently getting consists of a check up every 2-3 weeks, and being on the waiting list for my local cognitive analytical therapy group. I wouldn’t say I’m in crisis- I have been in the past, and my early teenage years were consumed by 6 or 7 acute admissions. But I do experience a consistent level of suicidal ideation (with no intent to act on it), and I’m concerned about where I’ll end up if things continue in this direction. I really want to be working on my mental health, but I’m not sure what I can do. If anyone has any thoughts on who I could talk to, or is willing to tell me about their experiences (whether they’re similar to mine or not), I’d be very grateful.


P.S. This was difficult for me to write, so apologies if any of it doesn't make much sense (and feel free to ask me anything in the comments).


  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,455 Championing
    edited April 2021
    Hi @Andyy :) 

    Firstly, your post makes perfect sense, so don't worry! I know it can often be difficult to talk about these topics, but you've done a good job of outlining what's going on.

    Have you started the process to explore whether you might have ADHD or ASD? You're right in thinking that some of the symptoms can be similar, but there are differences of course, so I think it could be useful to start looking into whether either of these are something you could access some support for. 

    Do you mind me asking whether you're currently taking any medication? Many people find medication a good way to help manage things like mood swings and anxiety, but I understand it's not for everyone.

    Have you spoken to a doctor or the people you have your check-ins with about your concerns over things getting worse? Waiting lists can be long unfortunately, but it could be that you could access some more support in the meantime. It's better for them to be aware, anyway. I'm really glad to hear you're not considering acting on your suicidal ideation but, as you say, you don't want things to get any worse.

    Regarding the dissociation, have you tried any grounding techniques before? 

    I know that some of our other members have experience with these conditions, so I hope they'll be along to offer some more insight :) 
  • cupcake88
    cupcake88 Posts: 1,412 Trailblazing
    hi there I’m sorry with what your going threw . I was diagnosed with ocd , anxiety ptsd and pychosis , I don’t get mood swings as such but I get very anxious and scared and I hear and see things that aren’t there I don’t feel like I’m able to live life comfortably because of my illness . 

    Mental illness can be a long road to recovery . I personally am currently in a mental health hospital so they can get my Anti pychotic meds right . 

    I have a mental health community nurse who looks after me . Sounds like you really could do with being under a mental health services to get some help . As in like being referred to your doctor so you can get help from different professionals who can decide the best treatment for your self . Are you currently on any medication ? 

    I’m really not well at the moment I have relapsed But I’m hopping I’ll be back on track soon . But I think getting under a mental health community team is good . I really hope you feel better soon. When I feel bit better I’ll respond in more detail . 

    Take care 
  • Caz_Alumni
    Caz_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 621 Empowering
    Hi @Anddy :)

    Just wanted to drop by and say hello.

    Thanks very much for sharing some of your experiences in your earlier post. How are you getting on with everything? 

    Have you had the opportunity to take a look at Tori_Scope's message and maybe follow up on some of the things that she has mentioned on there? 

    We're here if you fancy a chat or if you would like to ask any questions. Just give us a shout. :)