ESA Claim changes

Frogmellamilla1 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener

Apologies if this is long winded but I'm in need of advice on a delicate matter. Currently I live alone and receive Pip at enhanced rate for daily living and standard for mobility, I also receive income based ESA in the support group and have done for approx 5 years. My son is my carer but doesn't live with me. I suffer with PTSD from a previous coercive relationship but have started a new relationship last year. My partner is/was a HGV tramper until Nov last year he became ill and was diagnosed with cauda equina syndrome. At present he lives in digs near to where he works although when he was actually working he lived in his truck. At present my son is running back and to between us and Geoff is on SSP which will cease in July, he was awarded Pip last week and is very unlikely to return to work. I'd like him to move in with me but not start any fresh claims where he claims on my behalf. I will never allow anyone to deny me access to finances again. I'm not trying to bend any rules but I'd like to know if its possible for me to add him to my ESA claim when his SSP ends rather than have him claim on my behalf? 


  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    Is he claiming anything other than PIP at the moment?
  • Frogmellamilla1
    Frogmellamilla1 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    No, nothing other than SSP from his employer 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    edited April 2021
    If he moves in with you you can declare that as a change of circumstances for ESA (and Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction as applicable).

    You will also need to tell Council Tax and will lose your single person discount.

    Presumably you currently gets a Severe Disability Premium in your ESA unless your son is claiming Carer’s Allowance.

    If your partner’s PIP award includes Daily Living you will be able to get a Severe Disability Premium added to your ESA for him too.

    When his SSP entitlement ends he can claim new style ESA if he has a full NI contributions record for the tax years 2018-19 and 2019-20. This is an individual contribution based benefit. His new style ESA would be deducted from your ESA which would go down but it would give him separate income and means that he would get NI credits towards his future State Pension (which he will not get through your ESA claim).

    He must be careful not to claim Universal Credit. 

  • Frogmellamilla1
    Frogmellamilla1 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    Thank you for taking the time to answer, you have put my mind to rest, my son doesn't claim Carers and Geoff was awarded Enhanced Mobility but Standard Care. Should he claim New Style ESA separately then and not be added to my claim? Sorry it just seems a bit of a minefield at the minute 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    edited April 2021
    Thank you for taking the time to answer, you have put my mind to rest, my son doesn't claim Carers and Geoff was awarded Enhanced Mobility but Standard Care. Should he claim New Style ESA separately then and not be added to my claim? Sorry it just seems a bit of a minefield at the minute 
    You must add him to your claim if he moves in. Your ESA will then be assessed on your joint circumstances.

    One thing I forgot to mention is savings. If he has savings/shares (including money in current account) and your combined capital is over £6,000 this will result in a deduction from the ESA of £1/week for every £250/week over the £6,000. If over £16,000 that would end your ESA entitlement.

    Him claiming new style ESA will not increase your joint income but is for his benefit to get NI credits and his own income (but will reduce yours).
  • Frogmellamilla1
    Frogmellamilla1 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    Oh I will definitely add him if I decide to go that far, he has no savings or shares. I can cope with a certain loss of money coming in if I have to, however it's the loss of being self reliant that makes me uneasy. He is awaiting a decision on whether to have an op or just have pain management but he's no longer able to walk so its more a matter of when not if in regards of moving in. Thank you for your advice, I've hovered on the Group for a while trying to see if there are any similar situations but I'm aware every situation is different and thought I'd take the plunge and ask, I'm glad I did.
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    edited April 2021
    I can cope with a certain loss of money coming in if I have to, however it's the loss of being self reliant that makes me uneasy. 
    Having looked at the numbers in more detail I think you probably will not see a drop in your ESA. If he is added to your ESA claim with an SDP added for him your maximum entitlement would increase by £117.40/week. This is made up of change of the standard allowance and enhanced disability premium to the rate for couples plus the SDP. The SDP assumes nobody claims Carer’s Allowance orthe carer element of UC for looking after him. If he claims new style ESA and is put in the Support Group he would get £114.10/week which would be deducted from your ESA, you would still be £3.40 up.

    Although your Council Tax liability will increase because of the loss of the single person discount your Council Tax Reduction will increase also.
  • Frogmellamilla1
    Frogmellamilla1 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    That's great thank you so much, I'm glad I asked now, thank you
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    You would of course both have your own PIP payments too. With you on ESA and PIP and him on new style ESA and PIP you would have flexibility to arrange your finances as suits you.

    If you claimed UC you would have to choose which one of you got paid the UC (and would get less money).

    Just to confirm - are you getting SDP for yourself in your ESA now?
  • Frogmellamilla1
    Frogmellamilla1 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    I am yes, I had a bit of a battle to have it added initially but yes I do get SDP 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    I am yes, I had a bit of a battle to have it added initially but yes I do get SDP 
    Good, and good luck with whatever you decide.
  • Frogmellamilla1
    Frogmellamilla1 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    Thank you