Could you be a film star for Scope?

Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,735 Online Community Programme Lead
edited May 2021 in People power
Could you be a film star for Scope? We’re launching an exciting new fundraising challenge this summer. It’s a fully accessible, virtual event which encourages everybody getting active in their own way to support Scope.

We’re creating a promotional video and we’re looking for a range of people to feature in it with self-captured footage. It doesn’t matter if you’re a fitness fanatic or a nervous newbie, it’s open to everyone! If you’re interested in getting involved please contact


  • LouA
    LouA Online Community Member Posts: 2 Connected
    I’m a nervous Lou but I would love to help ?
  • cat_hug
    cat_hug Online Community Member Posts: 161 Empowering
    Same as Lou. I'm also very nervous, but scope online had given me more support than anyone and I'd like to give a little back and help in any way I possibly can
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,454 Championing
    Thanks both :) It's much appreciated. It looks like a really exciting opportunity! Have you emailed 
  • moshpitmolly
    moshpitmolly Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Hi, I'm a newbie here.  Have joined to get advice and chat.  I like the sound of getting involved, but I am very, very far from being a fitness fanatic.  I tried couch to 5k last year in lockdown but ended up having a fall in week 7 which shattered my confidence and almost my face. I gave up.  This may help to give me a kick up the bum to start again?
  • NasaTori
    NasaTori Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    I'm a nervous newbie but would also love to help :)
  • TopB79
    TopB79 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Connected
    Me too ! I’ll try at being filmed if I can help at all ?☺️??
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,454 Championing
    Hi @moshpitmolly @NasaTori (good name) and @TopB79 :) Thanks for expressing your interest. Have you all sent an email to 
  • RacheleLeahSilvera
    RacheleLeahSilvera Scope Member Posts: 77 Contributor
    I am interested 
  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,714 Championing
    @RacheleLeahSilvera That's fab, make sure to email to let them know you're interested in taking part  :) 
  • cat_hug
    cat_hug Online Community Member Posts: 161 Empowering
    Just uploaded my videos to the aine a couple of days @Cher_Scope
    Makes me cringe to hear my voice though lol ?
    Did a bit of juggling, but was persuaded by Dad (who's an avid  cyclist ?‍♂️, to go on a bike ride with him on airedale canal tow path.

    Haven't cycled in nearly 35 years and it's true, falling off a bike is still easy  (easier, if anything) but managed to get back on and finish the ride, despite almost ending up the canal and despite landing in a nettle Bush bigger than myself!

    Great fun though and managed to get my Dad to participate in the filming bless him.

    Had an eye surgery yesterday which involved having general anaesthetic,  so wanted to do this whilst I still had use of both eyes.

    Would encourage anyone to take part in this great promotion. Even if it's some very seemingly simple exercise from a chair or seated. What's easy for one person, can be monumentally difficult for others. That's the nature of disability... varying abilities. So don't be put off by not 'being super sporty' ? 

    Give it a go and have fun. Good luck and hugs ?

    Cat xx
  • cat_hug
    cat_hug Online Community Member Posts: 161 Empowering
    Me and my Dad, after doing bike ride (1st time in nearly 35 years for me)
    Great fun and wonderful purple and yellow scope tee shirt.
    Had a lot of fun being involved and nice to give a little back to this fantastic community. Xx
  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,714 Championing
    @cat_hug Aww thanks so much for sharing that lovely photo, it's great to hear you've got involved and were inspired to get on a bike for the first time in so long  <3  Who knows, this might be the start of a new hobby for you? 

    I'm sure you sound absolutely fine too!  But I totally understand your cringe levels, I feel the same when I realise how Yorkshire I sound to other people  :D

    Bravo, and thank you from everyone at Scope!
  • jimmythefish28
    jimmythefish28 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Not to sure if I'm too late for this but being how I am physically mentally and emotionally not so sure about a lot of things going on in my life at the moment and all the sadness that we, the  whole world is going through at the moment I think that it would be a fantastic idea and opportunity for me to be able to lend a helping hand so too speak.... so if I'm not to late then I'll look forward hearing back from someone but if I am to late then I totally apologise not being able to lend a hand  ???✋????✌??☝?????????✊???????? then take you pick and please remember and tell your friends to pass it on,  Manors and  politeness are completely free in this lifetime and the next and so is helping someone out and surely making yourself feel better about yourself but more importantly that person you have just helped will be feeling 10 times as happy as you ? signing out for now  
    Jimmy the fish 28 
  • cat_hug
    cat_hug Online Community Member Posts: 161 Empowering
    That's lovely @jimmythefish28 and all very true. Hope you're ok. Hugs xx
  • jimmythefish28
    jimmythefish28 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Hey there cat_hugs thanks so much for your kind words we don't get many of them these days....
     And yes I'm just fine and dandy thank you x
  • cat_hug
    cat_hug Online Community Member Posts: 161 Empowering
    @jimmythefish28 bless you. Hope you are doing OK? Xx
  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,714 Championing
    edited July 2021
    @jimmythefish28 Apologies for not spotting your post sooner, unfortunately this opportunity has now closed but look out for more in the future :)  Hope you are keeping well.

    As ever, a big thank you to everyone who got involved, we appreciate your time and will have more activities to join in with coming your way soon.
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