Do I have to tell the DWP about two new diagnoses? Would they stop my PIP and reassess me?

desbo2710 Community member Posts: 44 Connected
edited May 2021 in PIP, DLA, and AA
I was awarded the lower rate of pip last year, I have recently been told I have vitamin b12 deficiency and imflammatory concerns,i wont go into great details other than the deficiency has been linked to nerve problems i have and parathesia,do i have to inform the dwp and if i do will they stop my pip and reassess me,thanks


  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    PIP is not awarded on the basis of a diagnosis, it is awarded based on the degree of difficulty you experience as a result of your health conditions. You do not need to tell them just because of a new diagnosis. Even if you health has deteriorated it is only worth telling them if you think the changes would result in an increased point score sufficient to change the level of award.
    If you do tell them it is likely to prompt a reassessment.
  • desbo2710
    desbo2710 Community member Posts: 44 Connected
    so are you saying that because i have now found out about the b12 deficiciency etc and that it is linked to the reasons i was awarded pip and my condition has worsened it does not need to be classed as a change of circumstances.

  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    desbo2710 said:
    so are you saying that because i have now found out about the b12 deficiciency etc and that it is linked to the reasons i was awarded pip and my condition has worsened it does not need to be classed as a change of circumstances.
    The diagnosis makes no difference. If your condition has worsened you should only tell them if you want to be reassessed because you think it means you will score more points and get a higher award