How far does PIP get backdated?

LeeA380 Online Community Member Posts: 59 Connected
I checked the FAQ page but couldnt find anything.

I first made my application for PIP on February 3 and last week was turned down. Now I have this week put in a MR. If I was successful, would I be backdated any PIP benefit from the date of my original claim (Feb 3) or something else?


  • Emilyb81
    Emilyb81 Online Community Member Posts: 530 Empowering
    Yes I was told it will be backdated to the date of original claim :-) so should be fine! 
  • Emilyb81
    Emilyb81 Online Community Member Posts: 530 Empowering
    So longer they take the bigger the back payment will be? To be honest that's the one positive I keep focusing on about all this MR situation? Even though it doesn't help me now as I'm financially screwed and can't attend appointments etc eventually I should have a small lump sum to be able to get things I need for my home etc! Good luck :-) 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    Hi @LeeA380 - yes, if successful this would be backdated to Feb 3rd. Hoping both you & @Emilyb81 are successful. Would you both kindly let us all know how you get on, thank you. :)
  • LeeA380
    LeeA380 Online Community Member Posts: 59 Connected
    Emilyb81 said:
    So longer they take the bigger the back payment will be? To be honest that's the one positive I keep focusing on about all this MR situation? Even though it doesn't help me now as I'm financially screwed and can't attend appointments etc eventually I should have a small lump sum to be able to get things I need for my home etc! Good luck :-) 
    Good luck with your claim! I am hoping/expecting standard rates for both components.

    I hope we both are successful, but I don't like focusing on the money too much just in case I tempt fate...
  • Emilyb81
    Emilyb81 Online Community Member Posts: 530 Empowering
    True but I can't seem to stop worrying about the negative side of it or consequences? I mean I've already told myself it's ok because if they do say no to the MR it just means il be able to go to tribunal and I'd have a higher chance of getting the right decision there than at this first stage because they will look deeper into all of it?
    But it's all just so much waiting and wondering and guessing and hoping it's flipping exhausting isn't it? I can fully understand why some people decide not to bother fighting it all I mean I am not in a position financially that I really have any choice as I rely on it so much? But I know my father who worked his whole life but was forced to stop working when he turned 60 due to serious back problems! He was told he could get no support whatsoever and I tried and tried to convince him to appeal as it happens to many people they get turned down at first?... But he said he couldn't deal with having to beg them? His pride stopped him and as he had never claimed anything like benefits before he had hoped it would be simple a simple process? Anyway hopefully we both get good news soon! As much as I know people around me keep saying "think of the backpayment?!" I like you have struggled to think too much about that because my head is pretty negative on a good day so this whole situation has really messed with me! And it has been a dark couple of months... I forget what my point was so sorry I do ramble at times (all the time lol)
    I guess what I was trying to say in my own long essay type of way is if I don't think sometimes the more they drag this out the more money they would end up paying me there isn't much else positive to focus on? If that makes sense? I genuinely believe they have made a mahoosive mistake stopping my pip and some of my esa so I do believe if properly proven I am entitled to that money? And I know that might make me sound like a bratt who is expecting free money and that probably makes me look like an a-hole to some people however I am literally unable to work due to many health issues none of which are self inflicted or wanted by me so what else am I supposed to live on? Sorry I saw some people being attacked on another site similar to this for expecting benefits etc so it kind of made me worry? But that's a whole other thing not to do with this so I will now finally shhhhh :-) oh and I will definitely keep this site updated with what happens etc and hopefully there will be some more successful stories to come? Good luck LEEA380 and sorry to all for my looooong reply! Take care and stay safe peeps! 
  • LeeA380
    LeeA380 Online Community Member Posts: 59 Connected
    @Emilyb81 I am sorry with the situation with your dad. Of course it is better to appeal than not to appeal. Some people are just too proud I guess.
    And yeah you are right - at least if they drag it out too long then we might get a bigger backpayment... thats one way of looking at it.

    Good luck!
  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,714 Championing
    @LeeA380 I have my fingers crossed for your MR decision.  Please let us know how you get on and good luck.

    @Emilyb81 I'm sorry to hear you're in the same position.  It sounds like it's causing you a lot of worry and I wondered how you were managing that?  Do you think speaking to your GP about it could help?  I have everything crossed for you too, and we're here in the meantime if you ever want to rant, vent or ask a question :)  
  • Emilyb81
    Emilyb81 Online Community Member Posts: 530 Empowering
    PIP cannot be backdated. Backdating is when an award can be made from a date before the actual date of claim. What you’re talking about here is arrears. An entirely different thing and a useful distinction to make.
    I didn't know that I have always just said backdated as that's all I've heard I suppose? So thankyou for the knowledge.... So when I put in a claim for housing benefit for example I can ask for it to be backdated for upto a month I believe so that's backdating as its claiming money from before I made the claim? And arrears is money paid from date of claim? Just so it's clear in my head! Thankyou for explaining that! It is important to know what's what especially in these situations! :-) 
  • Emilyb81
    Emilyb81 Online Community Member Posts: 530 Empowering
    Not sure how I reply to people directly? I see I can quote people but not sure about replying? Is it the same as twitter I put @ symbol before the name? Xx
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    edited May 2021
    Hi @Emilyb81 - yes, you just put the @ sign in front of their username, as I've done with yours.
  • Emilyb81
    Emilyb81 Online Community Member Posts: 530 Empowering
    Ahhh okey dokey! Thankyou @chiarieds now the only thing I'm still stuck on is smileys lol I usually type in :-) but when I do that it comes up with list of emoji things and if I click on one it shows as words and symbols so wasn't sure if the first : needs deleting but I will just practice here I guess so il try now :smiley::smile:
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    Emilyb81 said:...So when I put in a claim for housing benefit for example I can ask for it to be backdated for upto a month I believe so that's backdating as its claiming money from before I made the claim? And arrears is money paid from date of claim? 
    Exactly so.
  • Emilyb81
    Emilyb81 Online Community Member Posts: 530 Empowering
    @Cher_Scope thankyou for your reply! I have spoken to doctor as I had to it was all getting out of control mentally :disappointed: they referred me to the mental health team locally and its been 6 weeks I've contacted them 3 times I always get told someone will call me back but it never happens so I've kind of lost faith in them already which isn't good! I will actually call them again today as it isn't really good enough to leave someone who is having a crisis struggling alone :disappointed: I just think it's been a lot of negative things happening in a short space of time and it's overwhelming for anyone to deal with let alone people who have issues already! That's why it is frustrating to me that more thought isn't put into the possible consequences of dwp letters etc and the affect on people? I understand they have a job to do but I genuinely think they should take more responsibility for how it is approached maybe not sending 2 devastating letters in one day for example? I don't know I always feel like I'm moaning lately or going to drag other people down with me so I don't know how to express these things? Like now I've kind of hijacked @LeeA380 post (sorry) I have sooooo much going on in my head but nowhere to get it all out? Gp appointment is only a couple of minutes long I'd be there for hours if I actually started saying what's happening? Anyway sorry again I will be quiet now! Maybe I need to find out how to send this in message to the person rather than taking over someone else's post/question xx
  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,714 Championing
    Hi @Emilyb81

    No need to apologise, I'm sorry to hear you aren't receiving enough support and am going to email you now to see what we can offer that might help.  Please keep a look out for that :) 

    Also, once you reach 25 points (your profile says you're currently on 21) you would be able to private message (PM) someone.  You get points from interacting on the community, just like you are now, and to send a PM you would go to your inbox > new message.  While to speak to someone directly, you can tag them by putting the @ in-front of their username but I think you have this figured out!  

    Take care and I'll be in touch soon.