Sheltered housing

Trezi Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
Hi everyone, I applied for sheltered housing and was awarded 100 points 
about 6 months ago. I have just been advised by the factor in the flat I currently live in that it has combustible material externally. As you can imagine all the people living here are terrified. In your opinion should I raise this with the sheltered housing company. I live 6 floors up and if there was to be a fire I would struggle to get down the stairs.
Would I get more points because of this.
To be honest they are not very nice on the phone and I am quite nervous phoning but maybe I need to. Many thanks


  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    Hello @Trezi, I hope you are well.

    Sorry to hear that, it must have been quite a shock to find out. There's no harm in giving them a call just to discuss the situation I suppose, however it's not too great that they aren't pleasant to speak to. Could you maybe give them a call with a loved one alongside you for support?