Backdating to 2020 with fit note from that date

Will the esa i'm apying for be backdated to the date of my fitnote, i asked the gp for one at the time as told by UC in my journ but didnt submit it partly because i thought the gp did it and in part because i've never had one before and didnt know the procedure, also gp didnt mention it again but zpparently its been there alk the time so when i got another fit note the gp helpfully put tbe start datefrom the original note (june 2020)  and a month into the future. (July 21).
Is it possible considering same medical condition in question was  present at that time that it will be backdated?


  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    edited May 2021
    ESA can only be backdated for a maximum of three months. When you claim you are asked what date you want the claim to start from - what date did you put?
  • tru88le
    tru88le Posts: 200 Contributor
    I would have put the start date for my universal credit but changed it to the start date of my fit note which i put into the online journal and the dates were queried and i confirmed them and they then accepted the dates. So yhere is a record of the fit note request in 2020 and receipt of it in 2021 it was supplied obviously well later but with valid dates.
    I am only now filling in the uc50 which i got in response to the fit note
    . I know i would not get it backdated beyond 3 months without the fit note.
  • tru88le
    tru88le Posts: 200 Contributor
    I knew about the three month backdating already i suppose that fits in with the length of time it takes for claims to be finished. Normally.
  • tru88le
    tru88le Posts: 200 Contributor
    Found out today it will be backdated to the start of the fit note for anyone wondering with the same issue.
    Thx @calcotti all the same
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    tru88le said:
    Found out today it will be backdated to the start of the fit note for anyone wondering with the same issue.
    Thx @calcotti all the same
    This is ESA?
  • tru88le
    tru88le Posts: 200 Contributor
    Its UC
    I'm in England
     your information was fortunately incorrect.
    Thanks all the same.

  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    tru88le said:
    Its UC
    I'm in England
     your information was fortunately incorrect.
    Thanks all the same.
    You asked about backdating ESA which is what I answered. UC have more flexibility - even so I am amazed they did so, well done!
  • tru88le
    tru88le Posts: 200 Contributor
    Thanks. When you asked on 5th of June I clarified it was Universal Credit i.e the capability for work assessment part of Universal Credit,
    I did say esa  in the first line  though and I didnt specify either in the title because I thougbt there would be more chance of a reply relating to  other benefits that requires a fit note submission.
    Assuming the rules might be similar and more chance of a useful reply.
    I didnt know UC were more flexible.
  • tru88le
    tru88le Posts: 200 Contributor
    I am still curious if the 3 month wait is still applicable or considered elapsed when backdating so far.

    Has anyone actually had lcwra backdated and sctually been paid...